If you were too damned lazy to even look then you are a big part of the problem with this country. So, aren't you even curious about what you missed? Well, here is just some of it and it should be enough for anyone to snap to attention and smell the corruption. The government, including the military industrial complex, will say and do whatever it damned well thinks it needs to in order to get you and me and the rest of America to do their corrupt bidding. These sound like big conspiracy words but here is the proof. I won't ask you to read all of the documents in this series because you might get bored but here is one we can start with.
In order to save you the trouble of clicking the link, several of the most damning pages of the facsimile are reproduced below. It basically lays out a formal plan whereby back in 1962 the military leaders of the US decided they wanted to take Cuba down but they needed the backing of the American people to do it. These sons of bitches don't want to fight nor do they want to send their children to die and so they have to convince you and me to send ours under the guise of false patriotism. And so they began planning a false flag operation in writing (i.e. evidence of an official policy of deceit and corruption at the very top - underlings would not write it down) to make Cuba look like a renegade state. After framing Cuba for some deaths (real or imagined), some blown up aircraft, some damaged building due to shelling and with sunken ships in the harbor we would, with righteous indignation, go invade a country which had not attacked us at all.
READ IT!! They suggested to plan mock funerals for fake dead Americans. They suggested to blow up a US war ship so that they could start a "Remember the Maine" propaganda program (similar to the emotional call to "Remember the Arizona" after it was blown up in Peal Harbor in 1941 by the Japanese). Under the cover of all of this mayhem and with the help of millions of useful idiot uninformed citizens, they could then develop a communist Cuban "terror campaign" (i.e. war on terror). Sound familiar? They could paint up an f86 Saber to look like a Cuban mig and use it to shoot up the place to blame it on the Cubans. READ IT. Their primary concern was the "security risk" of getting caught acquiring and modifying the aircraft.
These BASTARDS don't give a $hit about you, me, honesty, truth, justice or anything else that stands in their way of growing their power. They are organized crime at the highest level. Look at the documents, THEIR DOCUMENTS written by THEM! THEY said these things, not some conspiracy nut. Look how easily they talk about mass murder, mass deception and then twisting the outcome to their own advantage. This is how they operate. Does it sound like any recent history that you have heard about? Think it is just coincidence?
It's all right here folks. It was called Operation Northwoods. Government decided against following through on it that time (perhaps JFK didn't agree. He died a year later after all.) but look at all the hallmarks that have actually occurred in the past 20 years. We all know that these guys are not creative. They just look at what others did before them.
Look at page 10 below. READ WHAT IT SAYS for item 8 on that page! It talks about creating a fake flight charter whereby some group of people would have a reason to have a flight plan that took them over Cuba. The people would be "selected" (i.e. bribed, threatened, whatever it takes) to participate. The people would be loaded on a real commercial aircraft, all with fake aliases and travel credentials. At the same time, the military (i.e. shadow government) would already have painted a military aircraft up to look civilian. The real plane would take off and the fake plane would be flown remotely as a drone. The real plane would sneak into Eglin Air Force Base while the fake one was flown out over cuba and then blown up. Of course, you could always just forget the part about the fake airplane if you wanted to. What's a hundred lives in the big picture anyway?
By the way, Snopes does not refute this information. More importantly, the orginal PDF is directly available from the online electronic document archives of George Washington University.
Download it here for yourself: http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20010430/
Maybe the security archives of GWU is just a big collection of hoaxes, right? I think not.
Wake up people. Wake up. You think this stuff doesn't affect you? THINK AGAIN.
One doesn't need to go that far back to catch the bastards red-handed. Gen. Wesley Clark denounced plans to destroy seven countries in our own lifetimes: Iraq, limits
Libya, Syria, Iran, etc. Do these countries sound familiar? Pay, tell, how have these countries threatened the US?
No matter whether there's an elephant or an ass in the Oval Office, the wars have been executed as planned. Check out straight from the horse's mouth, that is, if you're not lazy, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSL3JqorkdU
Thanks for the link. I promise to not be lazy about the freedoms of myself and my family!!!
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