Friday, November 1, 2013

Snowden meeting with German government to discuss corrupt NSA spying on Merkel

Well, things are heating up with Snowden again.  As if he hasn't already damaged the credibility of the corrupt US government enough, he's now met with a German politician and has agreed to testify before Germany's parliament.  This should be a very interesting encounter.  Assuming that is, that US assassins don't gun him down in Russia before he gets a chance to tell the truth,

Of course all of this is just a smoke screen cover for something else.  You have to be a gullible fool to think that Merkel didn't have a pretty good idea of what the US NSA was capable of doing and also that there was no official oversight outside of the "intelligence" community.  In other words, of course they were spying on her.  She is waaaaaay too smart to ever have believed otherwise.

So why all of this drama right now?  Well, I am of the mind that it has more to do with the ongoing collapse of the global debt Ponzi than it does about monitoring phone calls.  Notice how it took several days in order for the outrage to become public?  This is the sign that a committee worked on an official response to the "news".  The US politicians like to say "never let a good crisis go to waste" and the Germans understand this as well.  This is more about getting concessions of some sort (but likely of the economic variety) from the US government.  Either that or it will be used as a cover story for some major policy change by the Germans that has economic implications. 

Perhaps they will be smart enough to use this faux anger to demand the immediate return of ALL of their gold which is in the hands of the US government.  That's what I would do if I were Merkel.  I would piss a righteous hissy fit about how abusive Obama's foreign policy has been and in light of this fact Germany can no longer tolerate leaving its gold in the hands of a foreign power that has shown her and her country such disrespect.  Of course, the US does not have their gold otherwise we would have returned it upon demand instead of setting some long-term repatriation goals.  I mean, why only ask for half of it back with delivery to be at some future time?  Why not just demand that it be loaded on a C5-A cargo jet and send it home? 

This should be interesting to watch but know this: nothing and I mean nothing is what it seems.  The Grand Illusion is still firmly in place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merkel was dismissive about the NSA spying on millions of German citizens a few months ago, but, now that she found out that the German counter-espionage was not effective, she's indignant enough to demand satisfaction.

But there might be more to why now. Perhaps at this point of the collapsing Ponzi scheme, Merkel's just taking the opportunity to give up another con artist before the mob comes after her.

Perhaps after the September elections, when Merkel's party barely got the majority, indicate that the winds are not exactly in her favor. At the time when she's forming her new government to reflect the new parliamentarian situation, she feigns some outrage that garners national pride against a common foe out there, centralizing her party's power.

It's all a political chess game, at home and internationally, a fight for survival of the elite when the world is on the brink of going Mad Max style. Grab your popcorn and some keep a stock of full-metal jackets handy.

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