Sunday, June 17, 2018

Corrupt FBI and DOJ are ready to go under the bus.

The corrupt torch bearer and enforcers of the liberal deep state are the three letter agencies of the federal government.  While staffed by many good people at the lower levels, the top brass in these organizations are all corrupt.  Corruption is in fact necessary to ascend to that level in the criminal enterprise known as big government.  These assholes have played all their dirty tricks games but have come up short of controlling the coming meltdown.  The recent IG report implicating Comey and his cronies pissed off the last good man that still believed in these organizations, Trey Gowdy. 

As a result, the stonewalling is nearly at an end because the herd is not going to tire of the pursuit like the elite are used to seeing happen.  This is an important even in the collapse of the deep state/military industrial complex.  The Russia probe conspiracy against Trump is going to blow up in the faces of the FBI and DOJ criminals involved in it once congress gets all the documents that now seem to finally be forthcoming

Many people don't see it for what it is but Trump is carefully dismantling the power structure and the revenue base of the deep state.  When military spends money on war games, everyone expects a bill to be presented.  Such bill is paid.  But when war games are cancelled, no payment is made.  How can the military industrial complex, which is a cash burning machine due to all the palms that need to be greased in order to risk participation in these criminal affairs, continue operations if their cash flow is restricted?  The simple answer is that they can't.  If you want to do forensic analysis of corruption, follow the money.  If you want to stop the current and future corruption, cut off the money supply.  Criminal organizations are in it for the money and when that dries up, so do the expensive lawyers, the copious bribes, the ability to hire hit squads and enforcers, etc.  Nobody in a criminal organization does anything out of loyalty; they do it for the money.

One day even the most gullible among us will finally realize what the war on drugs was really all about.  It had NOTHING whatsoever to do with stemming the flow of drugs.  It had everything to do with cutting out the competition.  There are still many people in our society that do not want to hear these truths because so much of their sense of personal security is rooted in their belief that our government is good and just.  Anyone who sees through this "benevolent controller" facade and who says so is labeled with some kind of dismissive title so that the fools don't have to consider the obvious facts about government corrupt at the highest levels.

The military industrial complex uses drug profits to run its operations.  Such profits are off books and thus not available to question.  This results in money that can be used to fund black ops whose goal is to grow the dark empire.  But soon enough the herd is going to add up all the obvious expenditures of those involved and it is going to realize that it far exceeds the Congressionally authorized budgets for these organizations. This is when the 3rd wave down will be seen for the military industrial complex.  I suspect that Trump will end up supporting the decriminalization of pot and perhaps other recreational drugs.  Not because he cares about people's right to choose for themselves (AKA freedom) but rather because it will collapse the highly profitable drug trade that funds those whose organizations that he has declared war against.  Remember, Trump is not retaliating against the deep state.  They did not attack him first (at least not that we know of) and now he is out to get them for revenge.  Trump is simply doing what he said he would do during his campaign.  He is draining the swamp thus eliminating the habitat where snakes can breed, dwell and parasitically suck energy away from the rest of society.  This is why people voted for him and this is clearly what he is doing.

Once Trump cuts the criminals off of their money supply their organization will collapse quickly as those involved realize the game is over and begin to bargain away their superiors in exchange for their own freedom.  It will happen like this because that is always the collapse model for a criminal organization whose life cycle is ending.


Anonymous said...


The Captain said...

Nice link. It is more than obvious to anyone who can think logically and do math that something is wrong with all this. I liken it to the analyses done on the Madoff Ponzi proving it had to be a scam. Nobody would believe it because nobody wanted to. Madoff's financial statements looked so great that nobody wanted to rock the boat. HAD THEY LISTENED the could have exited the Ponzi with something more than empty pockets. It was all there to see. Waiting until the last second in order to take something tangible out of a peaking Ponzi is very risky strategy because when they collapse it happens faster than most people can react. IT has to behave thus simply because the value that people believed was in the system was never there to begin with, it was all bullshit.

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