Just as I suspected would eventually be the case, the criminal infighting would drive wedges between elite and their enforcers. Essentially, the elite would buckle to the pressure of cops behaving badly and instead of acting as their shield, the elite would quickly sidestep the slings and arrows heading toward them by throwing their own little private army under the bus.
In today's installment of what is unfolding, the corrupt Seattle cops are feeling unloved by their liberal masters. No longer can they just do whatever they want and get away with it like they used to. Now the worm has turned; any glimmer of misbehavior is quickly stomped on. The cry babies are used to getting premium treatment and now they are feeling the pinch.
Well get used to it, buckos, because we ain't seen bad yet but it is most definitely coming. The drums of recession and then depression are being heard in the distance and they are heading this way. And when they arrive, the city is going to try to pay for it out of your undeserved pensions. Yep, you heard me. You idiots listened to your con man masters and you believed their bullshit so I have zero sympathy for you. I don't get any lifetime pension so why in the fuck should you?
The answer is, you shouldn't. Thus, soon enough, that wrong will be righted and there is not a damned thing you or your thuggish police union can do about it. You can play the old blue flu game but be careful about that because we the people don't need you as much as you think we do and if times get tough then instead of throwing more money out of our pockets at your useless services, we just need to relax the gun laws to the point that any honest person can carry a gun without a permit at any time. At that point, law enforcement will be available when and where its needed, and not in the holster of some coward cop hiding behind his car when the active shooter is killing people.
There are just too many cops being paid too damned much money for too damned many years. Time to drain the cop swamp and I will be laughing the whole time.
To the 10-20% of cops that are honest and who know who their boss is (i.e. the people), this is not directed at you. I know you exist but I still blame you for being pussies and not policing your own. You know who those are on the force doing wrong things yet you allow it. "I just want to mind my own business" is not an acceptable excuse. You need to be a cop all the time no matter who is doing the crime. And you know damned well that you are guilty of what I am saying. So don't be mad at me, be mad at yourselves for not stepping up your game and taking back your good reputation from those in the force who are pissing all over it.
Friday, June 29, 2018
The divided states of Scamerica.
Well folks, don't say I didn't warn you. Literally years ago, long before any of today's current events became real, I wrote in these pages that the peak of the global debt Ponzi would be accompanied by massive civil unrest and that, contrary to what most people thought it would not be the gun toting right but rather the the rabid left causing most of the trouble. I wrote that the left, not the big brother government, would be your biggest concern.
Well, look at people now. Look at how they gather now behind people of limited intellect screaming emotional crap just to whip them up for political purposes. This is amazing to watch. But folks, this like the tsunami warning going off. Go ahead and watch but don't stand on the beach or on low ground as you do it. This could get out of control very quickly. There are a lot of people out there now who trusted in Godverment and now they think that Trump is Satan. He is the bad guy pulling the spiked punch bowl. He is the guy who is responsible for all bad in the world.
And this is while unemployment is still low! This is while people who want to work can still work. Wait until that changes. Wait until the next recession or depression comes. Wait until the truckers all decide to strike and they bring the nation to a halt by refusing to deliver goods, food, necessities, gasoline. Wait until everyone everywhere begins to scream about how badly they are getting fucked by the system even though they really don't understand what's at the root of it all OR the notion that its all their own fault for falling for the con game of accepting fake money as if it were real.
Folks, nobody is right about everything but I have been right about so many things long before there was even a notion that such things that might transpire that you are simply kind of stupid if you do not heed my advice: prepare for very hard times. Someone has to pay for the collapse of the global debt Ponzi and those people will become very angry once they realize their futures are gone because of what they have stupidly allowed others to get away with in the past. In many cases they might even be hungry and desperate. But in all cases they will feel let down by their liberal establishment which they placed so much trust in that they will lash out, probably without much thinking about what they are doing and why.
Get yourself some food stores and some guns and ammo while it is still very easy to do so. Again, nobody knows the future with certainty but in the chance that I am right again about this, you do not want to be the one who tried to wait until the last minute to acquire the means to protect yourself and your family.
And for G_d's sake if you are an idiot liberal who is listening to the likes of Maxine Waters, know this: many of us will shoot you dead if we believe that your sickened mob is out to do us harm. Again, just don't say that nobody cared enough to be honest with you. This is me being honest with you. Stay away from the rabid emotionalism that they are trying to whip you up into feeling. It might just save you from an unnecessary bullet. Other people are not your enemies! FAKE MONEY is the only enemy. Mammon money is behind all of this crap. If you want to go mob someone mob the federal reserve. They are the criminals, not your fellow citizen and neighbors.
Well, look at people now. Look at how they gather now behind people of limited intellect screaming emotional crap just to whip them up for political purposes. This is amazing to watch. But folks, this like the tsunami warning going off. Go ahead and watch but don't stand on the beach or on low ground as you do it. This could get out of control very quickly. There are a lot of people out there now who trusted in Godverment and now they think that Trump is Satan. He is the bad guy pulling the spiked punch bowl. He is the guy who is responsible for all bad in the world.
And this is while unemployment is still low! This is while people who want to work can still work. Wait until that changes. Wait until the next recession or depression comes. Wait until the truckers all decide to strike and they bring the nation to a halt by refusing to deliver goods, food, necessities, gasoline. Wait until everyone everywhere begins to scream about how badly they are getting fucked by the system even though they really don't understand what's at the root of it all OR the notion that its all their own fault for falling for the con game of accepting fake money as if it were real.
Folks, nobody is right about everything but I have been right about so many things long before there was even a notion that such things that might transpire that you are simply kind of stupid if you do not heed my advice: prepare for very hard times. Someone has to pay for the collapse of the global debt Ponzi and those people will become very angry once they realize their futures are gone because of what they have stupidly allowed others to get away with in the past. In many cases they might even be hungry and desperate. But in all cases they will feel let down by their liberal establishment which they placed so much trust in that they will lash out, probably without much thinking about what they are doing and why.
Get yourself some food stores and some guns and ammo while it is still very easy to do so. Again, nobody knows the future with certainty but in the chance that I am right again about this, you do not want to be the one who tried to wait until the last minute to acquire the means to protect yourself and your family.
And for G_d's sake if you are an idiot liberal who is listening to the likes of Maxine Waters, know this: many of us will shoot you dead if we believe that your sickened mob is out to do us harm. Again, just don't say that nobody cared enough to be honest with you. This is me being honest with you. Stay away from the rabid emotionalism that they are trying to whip you up into feeling. It might just save you from an unnecessary bullet. Other people are not your enemies! FAKE MONEY is the only enemy. Mammon money is behind all of this crap. If you want to go mob someone mob the federal reserve. They are the criminals, not your fellow citizen and neighbors.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Trump vs. Harley - who will win? [HOG]
Harley Davidson is throwing Trump's trade war back into his face in an open challenge to his ability to succeed at his goals. Whereas Trump is trying to raise the prices of imports in order to make overly expensive American made products look more attractive and thus support American jobs, Harley is saying it will move manufacturing operations overseas in order to make up for the additional costs to its business which will come with the tariffs.
Liberal talking heads on yahoo finance are predicting that Trump will lose this battle. Of course they are shooting from the hip. They have nothing but their gut feelings to go by. But I think Trump is in a better position than Yahoo fiance talking heads understand. In the video at the link above, Yahoo people defend Harley saying that they have to do what's in the best interest of their shareholders. So of course they have to move overseas to get cheaper manufacturing costs no matter what Trump says.
Yes, it sounds great, it sounds like logic. Until you look at the stock chart and then do the Elliott wave analysis on it. Big money is selling the shares and the price is looking motive to the downside. If this goes 5 down from the top like I think it will to put in purple 5 below and then rallies in 3 waves to that horizontal triangle marked purple 4, the odds will then greatly support another huge percentage move to the downside that will make Harley management squeal like a stuck pig. Their shareholders will be calling them directly and asking them what the Fuck do they think they are doing taking on that hard head Trump in this way. They will be told to swallow their pride and walk back their threats and plans to offshore those American jobs. And when they do people on Yahoo will be amazed. They will not believe their eyes. When the dust settles, Trump will be standing on the top of the hill and daring anyone else who thinks they want to get froggy to jump up and push him off that hill.
The trouble with confronting a bully is that if he pounds your face in then his reputation grows. Now please understand, I don't like Trump's tariffs. All it really amounts to is cost push inflation for all of us. I want to consume cheap high quality Chinese goods until I die. As for Trump's demeanor and attitude, who cares what I think or what you think? It's pointless to debate his style, only his successes and failures toward running his agenda matter. So none of that is the point. The point is that the Elliott wave count of Harley's stock price is telling me that the odds are rising rapidly that the hog is going to get slaughtered and turned into bacon. And I say this even as Yahoo hosts chuckle at Trump's efforts at pushing around a big name public company.
I guess we'll just have to see who is right but my analysis method is not based on gut feel. I have a model to go by. It it goes wrong I will know right away. Look at the chart below. Anything other than that and something is likely wrong with my model.
Liberal talking heads on yahoo finance are predicting that Trump will lose this battle. Of course they are shooting from the hip. They have nothing but their gut feelings to go by. But I think Trump is in a better position than Yahoo fiance talking heads understand. In the video at the link above, Yahoo people defend Harley saying that they have to do what's in the best interest of their shareholders. So of course they have to move overseas to get cheaper manufacturing costs no matter what Trump says.
Yes, it sounds great, it sounds like logic. Until you look at the stock chart and then do the Elliott wave analysis on it. Big money is selling the shares and the price is looking motive to the downside. If this goes 5 down from the top like I think it will to put in purple 5 below and then rallies in 3 waves to that horizontal triangle marked purple 4, the odds will then greatly support another huge percentage move to the downside that will make Harley management squeal like a stuck pig. Their shareholders will be calling them directly and asking them what the Fuck do they think they are doing taking on that hard head Trump in this way. They will be told to swallow their pride and walk back their threats and plans to offshore those American jobs. And when they do people on Yahoo will be amazed. They will not believe their eyes. When the dust settles, Trump will be standing on the top of the hill and daring anyone else who thinks they want to get froggy to jump up and push him off that hill.
The trouble with confronting a bully is that if he pounds your face in then his reputation grows. Now please understand, I don't like Trump's tariffs. All it really amounts to is cost push inflation for all of us. I want to consume cheap high quality Chinese goods until I die. As for Trump's demeanor and attitude, who cares what I think or what you think? It's pointless to debate his style, only his successes and failures toward running his agenda matter. So none of that is the point. The point is that the Elliott wave count of Harley's stock price is telling me that the odds are rising rapidly that the hog is going to get slaughtered and turned into bacon. And I say this even as Yahoo hosts chuckle at Trump's efforts at pushing around a big name public company.
I guess we'll just have to see who is right but my analysis method is not based on gut feel. I have a model to go by. It it goes wrong I will know right away. Look at the chart below. Anything other than that and something is likely wrong with my model.
Monday, June 25, 2018
Trade wars mask capital controls measures
When China was making good stuff at low cost and the USA had a credit card that was untapped, no trade barriers existed. But now that the US credit card is tapped out and China holds a bunch of markers for past trade (i.e. dollars), the US does not want to trade back the other way in things that China wants to buy.
Trade is supposed to be about one side specializing in something and thus making it better and cheaper than the other. Both sides have an excess of something they made but both also have things they want to acquire from others who are better at those things.
In the case of US v. China, the Chinese excelled at making everything you need in daily life with high quality and low price. America cannot compete in these things. But these are the things America wants to sell back into China. This is why there is always such a big trade gap between the two. America accepts Chinese products but has nothing the Chinese want in return. So for decades now the Chinese have been accepting markers, debt notes if you will, in exchange for their goods. They gave us the products, we gave them IOUs called dollars. That is as simple, basic and honest an explanation you will ever get.
So now China is loaded down with greenbacks with the specter of inflation raising its head. If China cannot find something to spend that money on then it will get stuck with a pile of depreciating crap money called dollars as the USA prints its way out of massive debt. What China wants to buy is US know how, US technology, and US brain trust. The way to do this is to buy US corporations in electronics tech, medical and other high tech industries.
The currency we paid China with is supposed to be spendable on anything. But it is not in the interest of the US to let China out of its situation at par value. Nope, the con men running this shit show want them to take a big loss. And the best way to do that is to present them with nothing of any value to them that they want to buy. That, and that alone is why we are now seeing the US government scheming to "limit" the US companies that China can buy.
If you have never heard of the concept of capital controls, its simply a strong arm technique to force you to leave your wealth in a depreciating fake money regime. When massive inflation is destroying people's savings and retirement plans, those people want to withdraw the money so they can spend it on something, anything, that will not just depreciate at the stoke of a government pen. Corrupt government of course does not want to let any of the sheeple escape; all must be sheared of their wealth in order to settle the bill.
And so it is with the US government handling of the Chinese. They are telling the Chinese that their money is no good here, it is effectively un-spendable. Oh sure, if the Chinese want to import US made appliances then we will allow that but why would they? Our stuff is 2x-3x the cost with marginal if any quality improvement. But when it comes to big ticket items that allow China to escape its holdings of US fake money, the answer is no.
The only problem with this strategy is if China cries foul, calls it what it is (theft) and either stops exporting their goods to the US or starts a war over it. IF they stop exporting then many Chinese will be out of work but they will need to be fed still. So it is often easier for the elite to go to war in these cases which is exactly why I listed global war as one of the likely outcomes of the collapse of the global debt Ponzi years ago when I began this blog. The only way to stop it is for the people of both countries to rise up against their corrupt pump and dump governments and demand a better settlement. Both American people and Chinese people are good people, most of us at least. It is the shit at the top of each of our governments who think war is an acceptable solution to handle the global debt Ponzi that both sides agreed to participate in.
Trade is supposed to be about one side specializing in something and thus making it better and cheaper than the other. Both sides have an excess of something they made but both also have things they want to acquire from others who are better at those things.
In the case of US v. China, the Chinese excelled at making everything you need in daily life with high quality and low price. America cannot compete in these things. But these are the things America wants to sell back into China. This is why there is always such a big trade gap between the two. America accepts Chinese products but has nothing the Chinese want in return. So for decades now the Chinese have been accepting markers, debt notes if you will, in exchange for their goods. They gave us the products, we gave them IOUs called dollars. That is as simple, basic and honest an explanation you will ever get.
So now China is loaded down with greenbacks with the specter of inflation raising its head. If China cannot find something to spend that money on then it will get stuck with a pile of depreciating crap money called dollars as the USA prints its way out of massive debt. What China wants to buy is US know how, US technology, and US brain trust. The way to do this is to buy US corporations in electronics tech, medical and other high tech industries.
The currency we paid China with is supposed to be spendable on anything. But it is not in the interest of the US to let China out of its situation at par value. Nope, the con men running this shit show want them to take a big loss. And the best way to do that is to present them with nothing of any value to them that they want to buy. That, and that alone is why we are now seeing the US government scheming to "limit" the US companies that China can buy.
If you have never heard of the concept of capital controls, its simply a strong arm technique to force you to leave your wealth in a depreciating fake money regime. When massive inflation is destroying people's savings and retirement plans, those people want to withdraw the money so they can spend it on something, anything, that will not just depreciate at the stoke of a government pen. Corrupt government of course does not want to let any of the sheeple escape; all must be sheared of their wealth in order to settle the bill.
And so it is with the US government handling of the Chinese. They are telling the Chinese that their money is no good here, it is effectively un-spendable. Oh sure, if the Chinese want to import US made appliances then we will allow that but why would they? Our stuff is 2x-3x the cost with marginal if any quality improvement. But when it comes to big ticket items that allow China to escape its holdings of US fake money, the answer is no.
The only problem with this strategy is if China cries foul, calls it what it is (theft) and either stops exporting their goods to the US or starts a war over it. IF they stop exporting then many Chinese will be out of work but they will need to be fed still. So it is often easier for the elite to go to war in these cases which is exactly why I listed global war as one of the likely outcomes of the collapse of the global debt Ponzi years ago when I began this blog. The only way to stop it is for the people of both countries to rise up against their corrupt pump and dump governments and demand a better settlement. Both American people and Chinese people are good people, most of us at least. It is the shit at the top of each of our governments who think war is an acceptable solution to handle the global debt Ponzi that both sides agreed to participate in.
Friday, June 22, 2018
Medium Magazine:Trust Issues
It's a long standing thesis of mine that the liberal years brought with them a debt Ponzi that was in fact a trust Ponzi (check out this 2010 post calling the situation a "trust Ponzi"). I predicted that in the aftermath of the coming collapse bankers would be spanked so hard by the default wave that is coming that they would return back to the days of the "glassy eyed" banker of the 1950s. Back then it wasn't about trust. It was about collateralizing a loan. The bank didn't trust you and it didn't have to because it didn't loan you money without collateral - something of equal or greater real value than the money they were lending that they could take if you flaked out on them. Banks back then were little more than institutionalized pawn shops.
Since then the collateral behinds loans has all but evaporated. Falling interest rate represent a lack of demand for the available credit supply. That can happen due to many things, not just lack of demand for credit. For example, when credit availability outpaces demand, rates go down. The falling interest rates of the last several decades were essentially the result of everyone wanting to get into the act. After all, being a banker looked like such easy work that why wouldn't everyone want in on it?
And so they did. But with everyone scrambling to loan money it opened the door to too many deadbeats in possession of bank money (deadbeat borrowers taking advantage of lax lending conditions). Too much trust was given and too many loans were made. Those with the loans will default as soon as the economy peaks and the recession shows up. Ever wonder why everyone driving a Lyft or Uber is doing so in a nice car? No junkers there!! Not like the trashed out city cabs for sure. Well, its because the "owners" of these vehicles financed them with nothing down and are making the monthly payment out of their sparse uber/lyft profits. When the need for these rides collapses in a recession, all these cars are going back to the bank. This is just an example, many more similar situations exist.
The banking system will eventually collapse as a result. Laugh now but remember later on what I told you. You might be smarter than me and many of my readers likely are. They are faster with numbers, quicker with the turn of a phrase and more fluid in giving speeches. I'm sure of that. But most of you do not have what I have which is fifteen to twenty thousand hours of research, writing and contemplation in this particular matter. I have an honorary PhD from both the school of hard knocks and my alma mater, Screw U. Additionally I have an Elliott wave model that is pointing to an end game in the next couple of years, best case (with volatility almost assured until the final peak is reached).
The global debt Ponzi cannot go on much longer. Maybe one or two years at most IMO. The world is now at each other's throats, something I told you would be an important sign of the end times for this cycle. I also see that others are rapidly awakening to this reality and writing about it. Today's example is Medium.com's first digital issue. For the month of June they will write about trust issues. The stuff I read there looks insightful. I suspect these folks are in tune so what they say will resonate. I wish Medium.com the best of luck because they represent the next generation of news commentary and reporting. They are not owned by the status quo.
Since then the collateral behinds loans has all but evaporated. Falling interest rate represent a lack of demand for the available credit supply. That can happen due to many things, not just lack of demand for credit. For example, when credit availability outpaces demand, rates go down. The falling interest rates of the last several decades were essentially the result of everyone wanting to get into the act. After all, being a banker looked like such easy work that why wouldn't everyone want in on it?
And so they did. But with everyone scrambling to loan money it opened the door to too many deadbeats in possession of bank money (deadbeat borrowers taking advantage of lax lending conditions). Too much trust was given and too many loans were made. Those with the loans will default as soon as the economy peaks and the recession shows up. Ever wonder why everyone driving a Lyft or Uber is doing so in a nice car? No junkers there!! Not like the trashed out city cabs for sure. Well, its because the "owners" of these vehicles financed them with nothing down and are making the monthly payment out of their sparse uber/lyft profits. When the need for these rides collapses in a recession, all these cars are going back to the bank. This is just an example, many more similar situations exist.
The banking system will eventually collapse as a result. Laugh now but remember later on what I told you. You might be smarter than me and many of my readers likely are. They are faster with numbers, quicker with the turn of a phrase and more fluid in giving speeches. I'm sure of that. But most of you do not have what I have which is fifteen to twenty thousand hours of research, writing and contemplation in this particular matter. I have an honorary PhD from both the school of hard knocks and my alma mater, Screw U. Additionally I have an Elliott wave model that is pointing to an end game in the next couple of years, best case (with volatility almost assured until the final peak is reached).
The global debt Ponzi cannot go on much longer. Maybe one or two years at most IMO. The world is now at each other's throats, something I told you would be an important sign of the end times for this cycle. I also see that others are rapidly awakening to this reality and writing about it. Today's example is Medium.com's first digital issue. For the month of June they will write about trust issues. The stuff I read there looks insightful. I suspect these folks are in tune so what they say will resonate. I wish Medium.com the best of luck because they represent the next generation of news commentary and reporting. They are not owned by the status quo.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Page view wave count update [PVIEW]
Back in 2015 I provided an Elliott wave model of my page view count. Now, keep in mind that I don't accept ad money for posting in these pages and so the actual page count means nothing to me short of perhaps some minor ego stroking. But I do care about the predictive power of the Elliott wave principle and am constantly looking for new ways to test it in a way that cannot be gamed.
So consider the model prediction on the left which, despite being at different levels of zoom, is correlated almost perfectly to the current actual chart on the right. On the left we had 1 OR A with the expectation that wave 2 or B would be a big pullback. On the right, we now see that was a b wave but just look at how it played out.
The B wave should be composed of a 5-3-5 move. The move down to the first vee botttom on the left chart just following the 1/A peak was [A of (2 or B)]. Then there was the expectation of a corrective move to form [B of (2 or B)]. With the benefit of hindsight, that corrective move can be seen on the right to be a zig zag correction expanding wedge. The we got a motive plunge down into red B thus setting the chart up for the 3 OR C move to a higher high.
As I was tracking this on my side, the red C peak began to go parabolic. I assume my anti corruption, anti liberal, anti elite message began to resonate (as evidenced by peak readership of 40k hits per month) strongly enough that it hit someone's RADAR and they somehow curtailed the distribution of my posts. I guess I am supposed to be disheartened by this and give up but of course my motivation here is not profit and it never was. Without this beholden interest in their Mammon Money, I cannot be controlled. Sure, they can shut down my blog and make up some kinds of TOS violation, etc. but people like me will only see that as a challenge and I think they know it. So they have to play their games but they will find that it's not working this time. Not just on my but on many thousands of people with the same convictions. Liberal tricks do not work on conservatives.

But all that aside, I don't see how anyone can not be impressed with the potential power of Elliott wave analysis to predict future trends. There it is folks, I did not make this up. This is just experimental data that I'm sharing with you. I ran an experiment, this is the resulting data. No more, no less. Was it just luck that a prediction made back in 2015 has been followed so perfectly? Well, go ahead and tell yourself that if it makes you feel better but then you better do a liberal check on yourself because conservatives do not ignore facts and data while preferring their own ill informed gut feel. It is not my opinion that my EW model was correct; the model was obviously and somehow inexplicably correct, period.
So where to from here? I think this is likely part of a larger structure such as a rising wedge that will eventually lead to much higher highs as more and more people seek out conservative straight talk. Many will not even know why they like the sound of this conservative message, they will only know that it resonates. In truth, they will be trying to re-synch with the new direction of the herd so that they don't feel so isolated and alone. The worst position that a member of a herding species can find himself in is out of synch with the herd.

So consider the model prediction on the left which, despite being at different levels of zoom, is correlated almost perfectly to the current actual chart on the right. On the left we had 1 OR A with the expectation that wave 2 or B would be a big pullback. On the right, we now see that was a b wave but just look at how it played out.
The B wave should be composed of a 5-3-5 move. The move down to the first vee botttom on the left chart just following the 1/A peak was [A of (2 or B)]. Then there was the expectation of a corrective move to form [B of (2 or B)]. With the benefit of hindsight, that corrective move can be seen on the right to be a zig zag correction expanding wedge. The we got a motive plunge down into red B thus setting the chart up for the 3 OR C move to a higher high.
As I was tracking this on my side, the red C peak began to go parabolic. I assume my anti corruption, anti liberal, anti elite message began to resonate (as evidenced by peak readership of 40k hits per month) strongly enough that it hit someone's RADAR and they somehow curtailed the distribution of my posts. I guess I am supposed to be disheartened by this and give up but of course my motivation here is not profit and it never was. Without this beholden interest in their Mammon Money, I cannot be controlled. Sure, they can shut down my blog and make up some kinds of TOS violation, etc. but people like me will only see that as a challenge and I think they know it. So they have to play their games but they will find that it's not working this time. Not just on my but on many thousands of people with the same convictions. Liberal tricks do not work on conservatives.
But all that aside, I don't see how anyone can not be impressed with the potential power of Elliott wave analysis to predict future trends. There it is folks, I did not make this up. This is just experimental data that I'm sharing with you. I ran an experiment, this is the resulting data. No more, no less. Was it just luck that a prediction made back in 2015 has been followed so perfectly? Well, go ahead and tell yourself that if it makes you feel better but then you better do a liberal check on yourself because conservatives do not ignore facts and data while preferring their own ill informed gut feel. It is not my opinion that my EW model was correct; the model was obviously and somehow inexplicably correct, period.
So where to from here? I think this is likely part of a larger structure such as a rising wedge that will eventually lead to much higher highs as more and more people seek out conservative straight talk. Many will not even know why they like the sound of this conservative message, they will only know that it resonates. In truth, they will be trying to re-synch with the new direction of the herd so that they don't feel so isolated and alone. The worst position that a member of a herding species can find himself in is out of synch with the herd.
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