This continued into the first few quarters of the Trump administration with Trump and Korea Boy trading threats in the news. But then something happened. The dems are very quiet about it but something clearly broke N. Korea's will to continue this game. It was like a car running into a brick wall at 120 mph. Vroom, vroom, loud, loud, crash bang... silence. And then out of the wreckage of N. Korea's quest for a place at the big boy table crawled a humble, respectful, boy who wanted not only to end his nuclear quest but to make actual peace with S. Korea.
All I can say is what the fuck happened to make Kim Jong Un do such a wild 180 degree change in his behavior? He went from bad boy to lover boy in the course of about 2 weeks.
In my view its pretty clear what happened. There is only one variable that changed in the past decade in this situation and that is the arrival of Trump. Trump made it clear that he was not going to allow a nuclear N. Korea and he also made it clear that he was planning to do something about it. Trump doesn't always do the right thing but he always does something. And if that doesn't work, he quickly walks it back and goes at it from a different angle. You might not like his campaign promises of immigration control, tariffs, getting out of TPP, etc. but you have to respect that once in office he began working on all of these things and has shown good progress toward those goals in almost every case. In other words, he's not just wasting his time in office. He is getting done what those who put him in office wanted done.
After playing a big game of brinksmanship, Kim Jong Un finally realized that he was up against a man of conviction who didn't give a shit what the herd thought of him. Trump was going to do what he thought he needed to do about N. Korea bad behavior. I suspect that the US administration kept leaking the progress of a N. Korea invasion to China telling them to tell their boy that what was happening was real and it would be the end of the North Korean Tutankhamen. They probably told him what he needed to do in order to remain living and so here he is doing it on the world stage.
What's even more interesting is that only the most rabid brain dead left it withholding credit from Trump for this outcome. CNN, NYT,MSN and many other liberal strongholds are actually saying that Trump deserves credit. They are not saying he deserves ALL of the credit mind you, just "credit". So it's not like they are actually being fair and impartial in this matter. It's just that the win was so overwhelming that they cannot deny it any more.
Trump deserves ALL of the credit for this. It only got worse and worse until Trump showed up and then all of a sudden it not only got better, it got great again. If something bad happens under a Trump plan he will get ALL of the blame even if subordinates were carrying out the day to day on the plan. So when something goes right under his direction he must in all fairness get ALL the credit. Fair is fair.
Now then, let me tell you that a lot of politically liberal folks who were borderline anti-Trump are going to see this and they will be astounded. Liberals are easily scared by their own shadow. It's why leadership uses threat of bad things happening to heard them around. Conservatives less so. Everyone has some mix of conservative and liberal traits and so I am clearly NOT saying that all politically liberal people are cowards. In fact, most of my friends who define themselves as politically liberal have many, many conservative traits. They go to work every day, pay their bills, hold their families together, etc.
What I am saying is that it is a liberal trait to be too worried about threats that don't have much chance of occurring. The threat of terrorists, for example, is how liberals were pushed around after 911 even though it was clear that our own liberal government was very involved in that act. If you want to see liberals herding other liberals around, look for the word "horrific" in their statements.
But the point is that they will be astounded and relieved at this outcome. If you want to befriend a liberal, help them feel safe. Well, Trump just took a bunch of pressure, whether real or imaginary, from the minds of millions of liberals. Hawaii, for example, just recently told its people to take shelter from a nuclear missile attack. Do you think that did not have liberal Hawaiians on edge? I mean that warning came from the government. But now the threat of this happening again has absolutely collapsed. Do you think no liberal Hawaiian will appreciate the fact that Trump was at the helm when this happened?
For those of you with eyes to see, a picture is worth a lot more than 1000 words.
Since the liberal US was not invited to the table and will likely be added to leave S. Korea, this move is anything but to Trump's credit. As a matter of fact, the mutual statements reflect China's and Russia's proposals for peace in the peninsula, which Washington opposed from the get go. Of course, this is for the better for all parties involved and the world, including the US, which will be spared the lives and the dollars in this protection racket.
I think that the US should leave Korea. It's the conservative thing to do. Empires of foreign occupations are liberal constructs.
By your words I guess the timing of all this (no action until Trump arrived and then complete action) is a coincidence. Personally, I'm not a big believer in them.
Trump's arrival to the scene is not the coming of conservatism, but the demise of liberalism, for he's its last hurrah. If you will, his is the credit, but for exposing the contemporary US as the utter liberal farce that it's turned into in this century. As the liberal US clings to its last breath, until conservatism breathes new life in it, expect more countries to defy the American empire and to go their own way.
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