Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Interesting video - liberals are eating their own in China

Real Vision has been putting out some great vids that will open eyes all over the world.  It's the whole notion of a return to truthful investigative reporting that I predicted back in 2015 would be part and parcel of the conservative wave take over.

This Oct 2018 vid is an interview of Miles Kwok, an ex-Chinese elite who cut and run to avoid being killed by the organized crime running China's government.  Miles is interviewed by Kyle Bass in "an undisclosed location" because Kwok has done the international version of turning state's evidence against the Chinese party.  Kwok makes no bones of it: the Chinese economy is fake, 100% driven by money printing.  The leaders, according to Kwok, only care about 3 things:
- who is likely to kill them
- how to get more money from anyone around them
- where their next sex toy girl will come from

Yup, those are right out of a gangster movie, organized crime 101.  And now Kwok, who used to be the equivalent of a capo, is singing like a canary in order to buy favor from someone who can possibly hide him from Chinese assassins.  Kwok says that any Chinese financial institution is a money laundering operation and that they have printed more than 30 trillion USD worth of Yuan in order to pay off people and enrich their friends.  Of course, business and government are always tied at the hip.  

In any organized crime syndicate, when times get tight, the godfather "asks" for those below him to take one for the gipper: take a smaller cut or make "tribute" payments to him as insurance against something bad happening.  And it seems like even those who pay up only have 1 year to live according to Kwok.  At the time of that video, Oct 5, 2018, Kwok said that Alibaba CEO Jack Ma, who had just been stripped of property and CEO position at Alibaba, had only 1 year to live, with maybe a short time in jail first for appearances of justice.

Well the marginal players are hurt the first and worst and so  China's Ponzi will collapse before the US Ponzi will.  Maybe it's Trump's plan to put enough economic pressure on China for their people to rise up and demand regime change BEFORE the next US election.  That way Trump can blame an Asian contagion on China and tell Americans not to change horses in the middle of the stream.

Kwok also made it a point to say that Chinese cameras were everywhere, especially in hotel rooms, and China was an aggressive blackmailer.  I wonder if they have any footage of important Americans doing bad stuff.  If so we will eventually see it come tumbling out of the closet.

I was impressed by how often Kwok used the word "fake" in regards to China.  Fake is liberalism 101.   Fake is not cutting it anymore.  Fake is on the way out.

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