Saturday, August 17, 2019

My long term model on Citigroup (a proxy for all banks) [C]

Yes I am going to make another "crazy " model based prediction here, this one about Citigroup.  Citi is just a proxy; all banks will have similar collapses.  There is no "good" bank in the debt Ponzi.  There is only eventually bad and worse.  The biggest ones got so big by leveraging up and when the Ponzi collapses their losses will be so great that the whole system implodes.

Elite, that is, people who add nothing of economic value and whose only focus is how to steal the work done by others, practice the art of privatizing gains and socializing losses.  They get the cream yet leave the crud for everyone else.

But I digress.  The wave count on this is shown below.  The 2009 bottom was not "the" bottom, it was just wave green 3 of purple C.  Since nothing has actually been changed or fixed about the fake money system, the carnage is not over, the can simply got kicked down the road a bit. 

When that lower support line of the rising wedge breaks down the fake money system will collapse in a big hurry.  Remember, in a money system held up only by confidence, it doesn't take infinite printing to cause everyone to run for the exits.  All it requires is a loss in of confidence in the issuing authority.  You  know, just like any other con game/Ponzi scheme.

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