Saturday, August 10, 2019

New respect for David Icke

Read the whole thing, have an open mind...

If you want to hear a bunch of new age reptilian overlord stories, David Icke is the man.  As an engineer I have learned to have an open mind and to listen to ideas but then step back and analyze them critically.  And that is why I don't watch or listen to David Icke as a general rule.  He's obviously a smart man but nothing he says about aliens and reptilians has any substance. It's all conjecture and theory.  And while I cannot prove its false, I don't have time to spend on this kind of thing.

And so because of the fact that I have written Icke off on Reptilians and thus do not listen to his videos, it is only until today that I ever heard him talking about money.  And because it wasn't alien overlord talk, I listened with an open mind as is my way.  And what I found, at least in this short video, is that he has a perfect grasp of the truth regarding the fake money scam that consists of fiat currency and fractional reserve lending.  It is in fact a system of gradual enslavement and unless the people wake the Hell up and stop accepting this fake money system as if it were real, I am sure that his future vision of people enslaved within a centrally controlled currency system is exactly what will eventually transpire.  I won't live to see it but some of you reading this might.

I will say again for those who still don't get it.  Money is an invention, a technology, whose main purpose is to store past specific labor (i.e. digging a ditch, repairing a car, etc.) for future use in any form of consumption (buying food, going on vacation, etc.).  It is a token that proves you input work into our society and therefore should be able to receive work back out of our society.

But when some central power gets to create new money and inject it into society to trade for things that it wants WITHOUT having done any work to get that money, what its really doing is debasing, devaluing our stored labor after we have already worked!  Its actually a form of retrograde slavery.  We worked and we thought we were freemen but in fact since we stored our excess labor in their fake money, we were really voluntarily enslaving ourselves.

This is not a theory, a conspiracy or anything of the sort.  It's a clear headed, non-emotional engineering type evaluation of the current facts combined with a knowledge of related history and logic.  Ignore it at your peril.

The solution is sooooooo simple.  Store your excess labor, which we call wealth, in real money that is outside of their fake money system. Forget the current price of metals and don't try and time the system.  You are not that smart or light on your feet.  Just play the long game which is to save money for retirement in REAL money and keep your long term wealth out of their fake money system.

The following exchange occurred on December 18, 1912 when J.P. Morgan – the most influential American financier and banker of his time – was called to testify before Congress.
Mr Untermyer:
I want to ask you a few questions bearing on the subject that you have touched upon this morning, as to the control of money. The control of credit involves a control of money, does it not?
Mr Morgan:
A control of credit? No.
Mr Untermyer:
But the basis of banking is credit, is it not?
Mr Morgan:
Not always. That [credit] is an evidence of banking, but it [credit] is not the money itself. Money is gold, and nothing else.

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