Sunday, August 18, 2019

Liberals will begin eating their own.

Liberal policies, whether pushed by Dem of GOP con men and fools, always end badly.  And in the end it is not the opposition that brings them down.  Like any other criminal enterprise, liberal systems collapse from within.  And this should come as no surprise because when you look at the heart of it, criminality IS liberalism.  Conservatives much prefer to work for what they get than to beg, borrow or steal it from others.  Conservatives build things and are proud of their production.  Liberals live like parasites off the labor of others because they don't want to work at real jobs.  In fact they spend a lot of effort at avoiding real work.

Intellectualism and academia are the heart of liberalism and so when you begin hearing liberal academics make up theories and justifications which go completely contrary to their past theories and justifications, well, you have to realize that they are throwing in the towel on those past actions and trying to appear as leaders in a new direction.  In other words, they fuck up whatever they are working on and then they leave it behind while they go look for fresh new things to fuck up.  This is why I am looking at the inrush of Californians into Texas in a negative light.  They are escaping the shitstorm they created but they don't want to learn from it and behave differently.   They simply want to spread their shit to a new area, much like a disease works.

And so we see elitists like this dickhead now using fancy talk to explain why maybe it's not such a good idea to allow homeless people to live on the sidewalk and shit all over the street.

So before, the liberals yelled and screamed at how heartless and unkind the conservative were but now that the results of their liberal policies stink to high Heaven, these same morons are now getting tired of living in the shit storm that they, and they alone, created.

Bye bye, liberalism.  Your time has peaked and now fades into the rear view.

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