Sunday, August 18, 2019

Incoherent Economics

Jim Rickards has been in two private meetings with high level elitists where they told him, months apart, that the economy is "incoherent".  When Rickards heard that unusual reference the first time he didn't assign much meaning to it but when he heard it again from someone else in another part of the world months later, he knew that this was the term that the elite are using to describe the economy.

If you know anything about elite, they speak out of both sides of their mouths, literally.  When speaking internally with their cronies, they speak very succinctly using words carefully chosen with precise meanings.  When speaking to the public, they do exactly the opposite.  If they say it's good, it means its bad.  Or if you think you know what they meant, you missed their point.  Greenspan was very proud of his "Greenspeak" which he himself characterized as "a language of purposeful obfuscation".

So if they are using the phrase "incoherent economy", what might it likely mean?  Well, one online  dictionary definition of explained, "A lot of people use incoherent to mean unintelligible, which is a perfectly fine usage. But it specifically means unintelligible due to a lack of cohesion, or sticking together.".  And this is what I think they mean.  Globalism is falling apart.  It's no longer the pyramid vs. the people.  The LEOs are starting to bug out under the increasing threat of the water buffalo at Kruger.

Expect people to completely lose any respect for authority OR fear of it.  Not just in shitholes like Venezuela and far away places like Hong Kong.  No, folks.  It's all one Ponzi so all places will see similar things happen.

By the way, I've been telling people to stack gold and silver for a long time.  Sure, gold is up a bit right now and silver is at least off its ass somewhat but nothing moves in a straight line.  It's always possible for gold to head lower for a period of time but if it does, the models say that will be the last time.  Some models have gold falling to $700 before turning up and going to $5000.  The strongest models, however, say that the 2016 low was a significant low which will probably hold for the rest of our lives.

But even if it doesn't we DO know gold will never go worthless.  So keep stacking gold and silver coins INSTEAD of putting cash in the corrupt 401k Ponzi scheme.  Pay no attention to the current price volatility, up or down.  These are just the death throes of the fake money system.  It's a big flywheel but from here on in it just gets sicker and weaker at an ever accelerating rate.

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