But it won't stop at vets. Look at all the presidential candidates. 80+ percent of them want to give something to someone in order to buy their votes. And why not? The debt ceiling, which was always a scam, has been lifted. But DON'T WORRY, it's only temporary. It's "only" for 2 years, just until the danger is past. You know, just like Nixon "temporarily" closed the gold window. Nixon lied and congress is lying now. The debt ceiling will never be reinstated. Rand Paul is right, the Tea Party is dead. Unfortunately, whoever doesn't take on more debt in order to provide gifts to voters today will have a very difficult time at the polls.
Oh but maybe Americans are waking up to the risk of all this debt? Nooooooooo! Not at all. Some of the people don't understand the risks. They think government can print money indefinitely. Or they don't think at all. But they are not worried about the debt. Besides, if government has to add to everyone's debt in order for them individually to be forgiven of their debt, that's a pretty good deal. Morality no longer has a say in any of this because, after all, the banks and corporations always get bailed out of their debt so why not everyone else? Others understand it will all go bang! one day and simply want their cut before it does.
Look, the US empire was built on the back of the US dollar being the worlds reserve currency, just like every other empire that came before us. With the fed throwing in the towel on doing the right thing (i.e. raising rates) and with the elimination of the debt ceiling, all we can expect now is record deficits from here on it. The debt is going up exponentially. It's can't stop now or the entire American way of life will collapse and there will be riots and rampant crime. And so they will just keep adding to the debt to keep the herd happy until there is nobody left to loan us money at cheap rates. And then the free gifts will stop not because the con men running this shit show want to but rather because they are left with no choice. That's when the shit hits the fan. You have until about 2023-2024, best case, to prepare for the eventual collapse of the fake money system.
If you plan to shelter in place, get gold, silver, guns and ground (own your property outright). In addition, get your mind right. Things are going to change and there are a lot of weak minded people out there. They will lose everything, and as Gerald Celente says, once they have nothing left to lose, they lose it. That is definitely going to happen this time. People (mainly liberals) are going to do horrible things because they they will feel they are justified because they got disenfranchised. In other words, they wake up to the fact that they are going under the bus.
I want to also make this very clear: this debt forgiveness and all other crazy government bullshit has to be paid by someone. The government cannot order banks to cancel their contractual debts! It can, however, repay the debts.
There are two take-aways here:
1) Government repayment to the banks for all of this debt is just another sneaky backdoor bail out of the banks. Why? Because students were way, way behind on their payments. The number of nonperforming loans and the rate of increase in same, was showing the establishment that this debt was going to be defaulted on en masse. And the banking system cannot handle trillions in defaults. So its very convenient for government to step in and repay the loans that were going to default anyway.
2) Each time there is a bail out, all it does is shift the obvious losses from the banks to the citizens. And at the end of the day there is only really one way to do this: by printing up more currency. You see gold going up because smart people understand this. If you still have all your wealth in paper assets then you are taking a huge risk. But if you have your assets in physical money metals in your own hands then you are taking no economic or geopolitical risk.
Unless one lives in a state without or with low property taxes, real estate cannot really be owned outright. Besides, assets will very much be in the sights of governments, for the same rationale for the freebies which are being promised also works for forfeiting assets, only in the opposite direction. For what works to gift the wounded warriors also works to graft the wealthy civilians.
I agree about taxes. The true definition of who owns something is who ends up with it in the absence of payment.
For the record, there is no essentially property tax in the Bahamas. And the ocean is like a grocery store. You just get in a small boat, go out 500' and pull in fresh fish like it was nothing. And lobsters. And crabs. And desalination has gotten quite cost effective these days. So fresh water is never a problem if you live on a canal. If you have battery solar, Electricity is free. Forever. I just picked up 4 sunny boy island 6000 watt inverter charger units. There was a clearance on Ebay. $1500 each for the first 3, $1250 for the 4th one, free shipping on all of them. They weigh over 100 lbs each.
Now is the time to prepare IMO.
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