Saturday, August 24, 2019

The liberals are eating their own.

I have stated many times that liberals occupy a wide range from the very conservative right to center all the way to mentally unstable/mentally ill left.  I have written that the far left suffer from waking delusions and many other mental issues.  These were just my observations as someone standing apart from the herd looking on and trying to make sense of it all.

But now there are medical studies coming from academia which tend to support my views that rabid liberalism is the only know communicable mental disorder.  In the past you would never have academia speak out like this, but the smart left which exist center and right of their group see the craziness building up too high and they realize its counterproductive to their cause.  It's like the liberals in California seeing piles of shit, trash and used needles and condoms outside their work place and begin to realize that they caused this with their crazy talk and crazy policies.  And so they begin to apply the brakes.

That link points to a study Published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine by researchers affiliated with the Boston University School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School and University of Michigan School of Public Health.  As reported here, "The study, which included more than 1,200 college students with gender identity issues across 71 U.S. college campuses, found that, across commonly used mental health measures, 78 percent of the gender-disturbed students met the criteria for one or more of the outcomes of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self-injury, and suicidality.

From the study itself (note: cisgender is liberal speak for people who identify with their birth gender, GM are those who have been conned into thinking they are another gender of some kind):
The purpose of this study was to examine mental health status by gender identity among undergraduate and graduate students.

Data came from the 2015–2017 Healthy Minds Study, a mobile survey of randomly selected students (N=65,213 at 71 U.S. campuses, including 1,237 gender minority [GM] students); data were analyzed in 2018. Outcomes were symptoms of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self-injury, and suicidality based on widely used, clinically validated screening instruments. Bivariable and multivariable analyses explored differences between GM and cisgender (non-GM) students as well as by assigned sex at birth.

Across mental health measures, a significantly higher prevalence of symptoms was observed in GM students than cisgender students. Compared with 45% of cisgender students, 78% of GM students met the criteria for 1 or more of the aforementioned mental health outcomes. GM status was associated with 4.3 times higher odds of having at least 1 mental health problem (95% CI=3.61, 5.12)."

Well there you have it, an admission by liberal academia that those who believe they are some random gender are 4.3 times more likely to have a diagnose-able  (in other words, obvious) mental health issue than those who know who and what they are.

Now keep in mind who published this study: American Journal of Preventive Medicine.  Yup, they published this because they think its a preventable disease.  You will not see this journal publishing articles about unpreventable diseases in a vacuum.  For example, if you google American Journal of Preventive Medicine cancer then it comes back with articles about how smoking (which is preventable simply by choices made) causes cancer.  The obvious conclusion is that they think the gender confused have made bad choices and it is leading them to mental disease which could have been prevented.

Of course they can't just make a clean break with the status quo and so the real gist of the study is that the gender-crazy need to be pandered to, supported and spent more money on lest they take advantage of their 4:1 increased odds of suicide.  Yup, more of the thing that made them ill in the first place will certainly be good for them.

Face it.  This new batch of mental illness is ZERO different from the new medical diseases that have popped up (pooped up if you will) in liberal cities across this country.  Those running these liberal shit shows should be arrested and jailed for gross negligence/crimes against humanity.  And they will be in time.  Mark my words because when things get really bad, liberals eat their own.

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