Thursday, August 22, 2019

What happens when Mammon Money loses its grip on the herd?

"Zach" (who is interviewed in this video) used to work for Google.  You can almost tell he worked there just by looking at him and listening to him.  In any case, Zach leaked a bunch of documents implicating Google in information manipulation in order to control the herd.  Google of course fired him and then called the police and reported him as being mentally unstable.  The link above drops you well into his project veritas video to a point in the video where the interviewer is trying to understand why he came forward. 

Zach worked at google for 8 years and at the time of his departure was knocking down $250k in salary and stock.  So not only did he walk away from easy street money, he also pissed off a huge company which is probably capable of doing just about anything if it feels sufficiently threatened.  Zach himself worries that he could be murdered by Google for this leak which portrays Google as having a liberal manipulative hidden agenda.

Zach is a good example of how Mammon Money eventually loses its grip on the herd after the wind begins to blow conservative.  Again, Zach could have blown the whistle at any time, but only now did he decide to throw caution to the wind in order to do what his principles knew was right instead of continuing to accept the money from "not evil" Google.

Zach's claims may sound crazy - that simply manipulating information and spinning this way or that can really have much effect.  But then if it doesn't work, why would Google pay so much attention to doing it per the leaked documents?  People on the right half of the IQ scale have to realize something very important: half the population exists on the left half of the scale.  People in the green box are difficult to fool and maybe even impossible to fool.  They think for themselves and while they might not always say what they think, that is a calculated move in and of itself.

But people in the red box go through life in a confused state as often as not.  They don't understand complex concepts and don't have the mental energy to read or write very much.  They are happy living their simple life, trying to get by with what they have been given by the genetic lottery.  Being of low intelligence is neither good nor bad.  It's just is.  Those folks did not wrong to deserve it and smarter people did nothing meritorious to deserve it.  It's mostly genetic.

That said, if you want to fool people, go after those with diminished IQs.  And if you want to herd them in the direction you want them to go, show them only what you want them to see and tell them only what you want them to hear.  YES, daily input sources like Google and Facebook can and do manipulate people's perceptions.

Now the real question that must be asked is whether what Google is doing is legal or not.  And some might even want to argue that its not immoral, rather it is just an effective tactic.  Without trying to argue one side or the other I can say this: people are proud, even those left of 100.  IF they begin to realize they are being fooled, they get pretty damned angry about being taken advantage of.  I'll leave it at that for now but it will be interesting to see if the herd rises up and gives Google the big smackdown over this.

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