Wednesday, August 21, 2019

If you have nothing to take, big government doesn't care about you.

As a person who works, is successful and thus has money, you always have to be on the look out for your enemies.  The biggest one is big government.  I have 4 people in this world who I consider really close friends.  These are my boating buddies who I have known for a couple decades now.  All of them have houses bigger and more expensive than mine (but I am the only one with no debt, and I am the only one who has physical gold and silver instead of paper promises of wealth, so this is clearly a lifestyle choice by me).  All of these guys pay more than $8500 per year just to live in their big houses.  That's how much the government charges them in property tax each year.  And the highest payer needs to fork over more than $18,500 per year to live in his place.  Anyone who fails to pay this ransom will be thrown into the street by men with guns.  That is just the simple fact of it.

Big government has all kinds of laws, many of which target people with money.  After all, when there are so many homeless low life scum roaming the streets, it begins to cost real money to manage them all.  So when they do shit, the city wants to look the other way.  HOWEVER, if someone with the ability to pay messes up somehow then you can be SURE the government will be on it like white on rice because your slip up is their payday.

I know it sounds cynical but I am not a cynic.  I am just blunt about the obvious truth of things, and fools tend to take blunt, un-sugarcoated truth as something bad.  But me?  I prefer it.  It's probably why I got along so well with the Israelies when I worked for a Kfar Saba based high tech company several years back (before it was bought out/stolen by MSFT). 

If you need proof of what I wrote about big government, look no further than this vid in which a homeless man physically attacks a woman in a violent and prolonged manner.  The woman barely escaped with no real harm done to her but it wasn't for lack of trying by the crazy guy and these things can go from annoying to deadly in the blink of an eye.  The homeless guy has nothing to lose after all.

So the liberal dumb shit judge let the guy go back on the street!  Unmonitored!  It was only after social media called her out that she recanted her decision and made the guy wear a GPS anklet.  Once called out, the judge tried to save face by saying, "When I saw the video, I was frankly alarmed at the level of violence,” she said at Friday’s hearing. “It altered my assessment of the public-safety risk of this case. I take public safety very seriously.".

OK so let me get this straight.  The bad guy gets hauled into court, the judge is told that the attack was violent, but instead of seeking out the obvious video (which should be the first thing anyone interested in the facts looks for), she lets the guy go first and then waits for the vid to be shown on TV.  ONLY THEN after it blows up in her face does she suddenly decide it was too violent.   This bitch is either too corrupt and lazy to serve a judge or too incompetent.  Take your pick which you think is the truth, but her career should not survive this act of gross carelessness/incompetence.

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