Saturday, August 24, 2019

Judicial Watch is on the hunt for Hillary

Old school conservatives never forget. One eye must be taken for an eye.  After years of being stonewalled by the liberals running the system, Judicial Watch has risen as a champion of the law. It has learned the system and used the system's rules to attack the bad players, and never allowed the system's built in defense mechanism of stalling, stonewalling, lying and misdirection to stop it from making progress.  Judical Watch now appears to be supported by the new conservative trending justice system.  Instead of directly attacking the old liberal guard directly, the new leadership has figured out that supporting Judicial Watch is as good as or better than doing the wetwork itself.

Today we see Tom Fitton and team taking on Hillary directly in court over her email server and over her gun running in Benghazi.  While other government organizations have given Hillary a free pass for fear of blackmail or fear of ending up in a lake face down or being suicided in jail, Fitton is completely un-intimidated by her, probably because he's not corrupt and she has nothing to hold over his head.

Keep an eye on JW.  They are the tip of the sword in bringing down the deep state.  Bill and Hillary should be planning their move to a nonextradition country right now.  Yeah I know, I know, nobody will be able to bring the Clinton down, blah blah blah.  I've heard it all before, they are too powerful, too connected.  But that's the same thing that people said when she was running for president.  I was crazy to say "anyone but her" would win because she had ridiculous money to spend on the campaign.  But I was right and the naysayers were wrong (bet never apologetic).  So as you can see, I will trust my own models and world view before I listen to others who have been wrong over and over again. 

The trend has changed folks.  The criminal liberal Clintons and supporting agencies no longer have the liberal wind at their back.  They now have a freshening conservative headwind to deal with.  Nothing will come easy for them anymore and sooner or later they will crack under the stress and strain.  I suspect the next thing we hear is that Hillary is too sick to stand trial for her crimes and Bill will be standing there with elephant tears to convince the stupid of his sincerity.  It's all a big show.

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