Thursday, December 3, 2015

Watch the re-birth of investigative reporting unfold

In 2014 a man was gunned down by Chicago police.  The police lied in a very criminal way about it.  They said that the victim was attacking with a knife when the truth is that the man was shying away as he was shot.  The cops said the man was killed with a single shot to the chest.  But the evidence, which police purposely withheld hoping that the matter would blow over, proved that the man was shot once in the chest and then after he fell to the ground completely incapacitated by the wound, was "finished off" with 15 more shots to the body by the same murderous cop who initially shot him.

Somehow, Chicagoans were shocked and and mortified to learn the truth.  I mean lets face it: Chicago is the home of organized crime.  It's the place where they had their own little off the books torture center.  It's located in the state where Blagojevich tried to sell Obama's vacated senate seat and of course it is where Obama got all of his con man training (AKA civil organizer training).  In Chicago organized crime = government and the people there are shocked about it.  Idiots and children must make up the population there. Intelligent people are not shocked by anything criminal that comes from Chicago government, which clearly includes police.  Intelligent people understand that the cop who murdered that man should have been outed from the get go and that he could only hid behind the blue shield with help from many levels in government.  Someone, for example, had to tell the coroner not to release the truth.  Cops don't have that power.  So the police officer is a murderer and multiple people up the chain conspired to cover it up.  This is no theory, this is conspiracy fact.

It's obvious that Chicago is corrupt to the core and bankrupt, just like the state of Illin' Noise and just like all other states.  How can there not be total corruption when the money supply itself it corrupt?  Money makes the world go 'round and fake money spins it around at 3x the normal rate (until it breaks free and crashes of course).  Fake money is like putting sugar solution in a Petri dish - it always leads to bacteria growth.  Government is full of human bacteria - parasites to the core.  One has to be blind not to acknowledge this obvious truth so that is not the point of this blog post.

The point is how the cops got busted for their murder + attempted cover up and the reason it happened was because of an investigative reporter.  Investigative reporting has been a dead art for a couple decades now.  The elite bought up all the news outlets and then told them what to write.  But the Internet has given people easy access to the truth anyhow and so incompetent main stream media just becomes less and less relevant.  They don't make money, nobody uses them as a primary information source anymore.  They are now just another player.  Without a monopoly on information dissemination the main stream media cannot be effectively used as a centralized propaganda distribution mechanism anymore.

As I predicted as early as Sept of last year, we should be seeing a resurgence in the field of investigative reporting.  I wrote, "It won't be long before we begin seeing the main stream media clique break ranks.  It won't be because they want to, it will be because of collapsing profits.  The herd wants a conservative government watchdog function to re-emerge out of our liberal but dying press and so the herd will begin to see real news stories popping up which have obviously not been edited or censored by Rupert Murdoch and his merry band of elites.  The investigative reporting will re-ignite the police to do their jobs as well, even if their elite buddies are going to get taken down as a result.  Loyalties will be changing very soon and very publicly."

Whereas in the past these efforts would get shut down before they even started because the money was flowing and news media would not want to rock the boat, today the corrupt crony capitalism system is falling apart into an "every man for himself" situation.  The easy credit money is evaporating and thus people have to compete again in order to get paid.  Once the investigative reporting machine is in full operation it won't take long to see skeletons flying out of closets of some of the most important people around the world.  People think that these elite are untouchable but that is only true as long as their fake money buys temporary loyalty.  That gets harder and harder to do as the good old boy system collapses into every man for himself.  This is how all criminal cartels eventually peak and then collapse and so no, it won't be different this time.

Addendum: To all cops who might be reading this, look how quickly the cop involved was allowed to go under the bus after the court ordered release of the evidence.  The people see what is happening now: no charges were even mentioned until it was clear that evidence could no longer be suppressed and then the city distances themselves from the murderous cop very quickly.  Do not count on the state to save you from your illegal activities because police will in the future have less and less control of the evidence.  I actually foresee the people demanding that special evidentiary units be set up with chains of command outside the corrupt police force which will ensure that evidence is available to the public in a timely fashion as well as police.  Things like this don't happen because the con men want to do it, they happen because something needs to be done to regain confidence of Mark and Patsy so that the same con games can be re-played on the next generation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that a scene in the movie "Gladiator" showed how the once untouchable is eventually dispatched if a just voice at the right time speaks up. I'm referring to the scene when the emperor takes on the gladiator and, when he found out that he was not going to win, calls his praetorian guards - always Germans - to win the challenge for him, just to find out that they thought that it would be a good day and place and situation for him to be killed. And so it was.

Now as then, there are multitudes of officials feeling the beat of the stampede in the ground, looking for the right time and place to get away from the coming stampede and looking for an opportunity to push those who prefer to ignore it onto its path.

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