The people have been told that we should just take it; that it's for "everyone's protection and safety", etc. It's gotten so bad that many police have developed a G-d complex where they think they rightfully have power of life and death over everyone in their presence.
This extreme attitude took several decades to form. Back in the 50s and 60s the beat cop was the people's friend but after gold was de-linked from the dollar making the dollar nothing more than Mammon Money, crime began to pay far better than police salaries and so it corrupted many in our police forces. So it is no surprise to me that acts of police malice toward the public have increased dramatically since then.
But the evidence is rolling in that those days have peaked and now the reversal is on. 3 years ago if you didn't immediately fall prostrate at the feet of a cop who told you to do something you never won the battle and in many cases you ended up dead. Even if the original excuse used to rough you up was later found to be bogus you were hit with 10 other serious charges ranging from assault on a police officer to resisting arrest. This hail storm of legal attack is how they would intimidate the rank and file. They could never do it without the support of a huge chain of corrupt assholes starting with the politicians and working its way down.
But as the grass has gotten browner and browner for much of the herd as the debt Ponzi grows long in the tooth, the public is awakening and fighting back. Politicians now sense that they need to rein in this behavior because the individual herd members have stopped being afraid.
A recent data point in this direction is the story of a Utah nurse who was approached by a cop who was told to go get a blood sample of someone involved in an accident. The person who was targeted for blood extraction did not cause the accident, had no warrant and was not under arrest. Under these circumstances the nurse had been told that it was hospital policy not to take the sample. The cop involved was wearing a body camera which recorded the whole thing. You can watch the short vid here. Once the cop determines that the nurse has decided that her policy guidelines are not met for blood extraction, he turns his anger to her. His steroid anger bubbles to the top and he forcefully arrests her and puts the cuffs on. Her only crime was requiring the cop to use the correct procedure.
I am confident that a few years ago the police would have removed the cop from duty after review of the footage and they would have sent lawyers with releases for the nurse to sign. They would simply have said that she was right about the procedure and they were sorry she was arrested but that does not excuse the crime of assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest, aiding and abetting a police suspect, disturbing the peace, tax evasion, possession of cocaine (planted of course), killing JFK and whatever other crap charges they could bring up to intimidate her. The victim of police abuse and violence would have been told to sign away her rights to sue the cops for their careless handing of another good human being in exchange for making the bogus charges go away.
The cops would in fact still use these tricks if they worked like they used to but they don't. That's because it used to be that the police were trusted by everyone, including me. But they have now abused that trust too many times and once that is lost it is very difficult to regain. At the very least they have to stop digging a deeper hole of mistrust. The only way to do this is to let the public win when there is no other way to cover it up and so that nurse was recently awarded $500k for her ordeal. The cop who used force on the nurse is now off the force and I doubt any other police force will have him. Maybe he can clean toilets or something useful like that going forward. The cop's supervisor got decommissioned and busted in rank to flatfoot. He should have been drummed out of the force as well.
Going forward, expect to see more of same. Heavy handed cops with anger management issues will be sorry they shot up steroids that week. They will get cleaned out of the force over the next 10 years and a new, smarter breed of cop will take their place - one who understands that it is not OK to use force on people just because they don't snap to on demand. Each situation needs to be evaluated in real time and the cop must do what a prudent person who is not on steroids would do.
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