Clearly ms. Storey, who is pictured below, had major convictions on this matter. She is on record saying that she and her husband are "humanists". They are, they seem to believe, their own God.
So off she went all full of fury and conviction. Or did she? Perhaps she just made a loud scene hoping that all the other liberals would jump up and have her back. But a funny thing happened to Charlene: nobody cared. She thought she was going to touch of a regular old liberal anti-God protest. You see, the holiday tree was named "holiday tree" some 20 years ago, right near the end of the first 1/3 of the rise of extreme liberalism. For her this renaming came out of thin air; she never saw it coming. She also never believed that her theatrics would fall on so many deaf ears. Too bad she doesn't read my blog, she would have known better than to embarrass herself by resigning.
But hey, no worries. Liberals don't have real convictions. They are actors by nature. See Hollywood. Their convictions reach as far as their audience shows interest and adoration and not one inch further. And so after ms Charlene found out that her theatrics were not going to be perceived as political martyrdom, she very quickly rescinded her resignation.
Note: I do not equate democrat to liberal. Many democrats have conservative views and many GOP are filthy liberals. We have been taught to equate GOP to conservatism but it is by no means a 1:1 relationship. Liberalism and conservatism are not political parties, they are ways of conducting oneself within society.
I think it is noteworthy to see the haste at which this renaming decision was made. From this link, "As for the reason as to why it was done now by the mayor, the councilwoman stated she does not know the reason. Mayor Hokanson stated that, as mayor and master of ceremony, he wanted to change the name this year but that it was too late to change the date back to the first week in December, as had been the custom; so only the change of date would go into effect 2016 but the name change would be starting this year."
Something compelled Mayor Hokanson to go out of his way and push this thing through. I wonder if the mayor even knows why he did it, why it was so important to him. But it clearly was suddenly important. I believe that he senses the conservative mood swing and simply wants to be on the right side of the new majority. That is all that politicians ever do.
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