The current snapshot below shows how owl ears did form at that top rail followed by hard selling. The typical behavior in these cases is to either
A)go to the bottom of the channel which would basically be Avi's dream. That seems a little easy but it would put GLD to the bottom of his long standing range of 95-105.
B) run to mid channel and then break back out the top rail. I like this path simply for the trickiness factor.
We are rapidly approaching a major, major bottom in M+M. GDXJ $15, ABX $5, those are bottoming numbers according to my models.
The one thing you can count on in this world is that gold and silver will never go worthless as long as people generate excess value with their labor past the hand to mouth daily existence. As soon as people need to trade, they need money and there is no better money than gold and silver. These have never gone worthless, never default on any promise, never go out of style and are always recognized by sight by every culture in the world.
Pet rock my eye.
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