Monday, November 23, 2015

[MCD] update

At the backlink the model indicated that MCD was working on a 5th wave which could already have counted complete at that time (red model below).  Turns out that the blue path was taken and so now it is my primary mode.

I really do wonder what goes through people's heads buying this crap at a time when the retail consumer is obviously falling apart and also when these low margin companies are coming under increased pressure to massively increase wages.  It's just stupid.  But I guess as long as the music is playing they will dance and the music will likely continue to play for another 3-5 days on this one or until the 5th of this 5th reaches about the height of the red vertical so that length of 5 = length of 1.

This stock is now going nearly straight up.  It was $87.50 back in late August and now its $114 with modeled odds to $118.  If it hits $118 then it will represent a whopping 35% increase in a matter of 3 months.  Do you think this is going to reach the sky?  I don't.  It will collapse just like all the other Ponzi stocks that I have called tops on in these pages.

Remember when Macy's was acting unassailable and despite this I called a major top on it (albeit a bit early).  Now look at it.  In just over 4 months it has done a 9-11 (collapsed into its own foot print at the speed of gravity...)

Same with Wal-Mart, same with Nordstrom's, same with many others.  Soon enough GE will roll over and then the $COMPX, S+P and DJIA.

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