And so the silent truce of political correctness lasted many decades. Oh, sure, now and again someone would verbally spout off or the would do a commercial to drag the other side through the mud but the people mainly ignore those temporary exposures to harsh reality. Or maybe ignore is the wrong word. It's closer to the truth to say that the ads and commercials had shock value but nothing lasting. Books, however, tend to have a different result. The reader has to focus on them and the exposure is for more than just a few minutes. This gives time for brain synapses to rearrange and for the information to sink in deeper. This is why you see few if any books that show up during the campaign. After the campaign has always been open season and of course after the opponent retires they are really open season because they are less able to fight back. But for this to show up in the middle of Hillary's bid to be Queen of America is just downright mean and disrespectful.
Of course, since Hillary is the target I mean that in a good way. But it also means that the other side will take the gloves off as well. It will all turn from reasonably civil to Jerry Springer fist fights before this global debt Ponzi collapse has any hope of bottoming. I say again, I expect fist fights on the floor of congress just like happens in every other 3rd world shit hole in the world.
Along similar lines, Trump is going around telling the world that "Bush knew" about 911 in advance. He's calling GW a traitor. Again, a leading candidate for president of the US is saying these things. It is literally unprecedented. GW BUSH ISN'T EVEN RUNNING! If you think about it, Trump's statements should be causing people to roll their eyes and cry, "oh what pitiful stuff". But the people are not rolling their eyes. With heads finally out of the sand, the people are starting to wake up and smell the tyranny.
Normally these things are just known by the elite and NEVER shared. Why? Because ALL of these assholes are dirty as Hell and they all have dirt that can be trotted out. Why is Trump doing this right now? Because he needs to throw the people a bone of truth in order to get our confidence just as I predicted (in many posts such as this one) would eventually happen. Approval rating of congress has fallen to a multi-decade low and the oligarchs know it.
The smart ones know that money won't buy the next election but CONFIDENCE will. What better way to gain confidence then to slip out some elitist Illuminati knowledge to your new bestest friends which are the disenfranchised public?
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