Tuesday, October 27, 2015

[UVXY] update

I just thought of one way where the recent UVXY chart  (backlink) might count motively.  Below is the 10 minute arithmetic / non log chart including extended trading.  If my model of the markets being deep vee 2nd then this should hold the Aug low marked by the green horizontal.  This could get very sporty very quickly.  Do keep in mind that the VIX is now net short for the first time in history.  That shows an absurd amount of confidence in the fed to hold this monster scam economy together with duct tape and bailing wire.  Having been to sea many times in many boats I know from experience that this kind of rigged repair seems to work until Murphy arrives and then it all goes to shit in a hot hurry.  Everything the fed has done to stop collapse has been a temporary fix that will like bust off in their hand soon enough.  When that happens nothing they say or do will matter to the herd.  The margin calls will come and the leverage will have to be unwound.  By unwound I mean like letting a tightly wound clock spring uncoil suddenly.

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