... I really don't care what people think or how it might affect my ad revenue. And so I will name the elephant in the living room that others turn a blind eye to: GDP numbers are all about the ability to take on more debt in the future.
The US is currently at about 100% debt to GDP, at least by the official, lying numbers. While this used to be viewed as near the point of collapse - where a 3rd world despotic country would no longer be able to sell any debt at cheap levels - it's really not bad in a relative sense these days There are uglier horses in the glue factory than the US. For example, Japan's debt to GDP is 240%. We're all Greece now but the game is to avoid admitting it as long as possible. The game is to kick the can down the road.
Since the ratio of debt:GDP is a commonly used measure of a country's ability to afford a given debt level, you can justify the ability to take on more debt and keep telling the creditors that the amount will someday be paid off if your GDP is rising. It's the old scam of saying that debt can be used to drive long term growth. In the short term, for those who first begin doing it, this is absolutely true. It is the nature of a Ponzi or a pyramid scheme that those who get in first and who get out before the collapse will do very, very well for themselves. The problems come when there is no exit strategy; when you begin to rely on the Ponzi as a matter of day to day survival as opposed to being a quick hit and then run away with your profits.
This is why the government games the GDP numbers with things like hedonics and Keynesian thinking such as digging a ditch and then filling it in adds to GDP. Once people stop believing that our GDP is rising it will dramatically oppose our ability to sell government bonds and when that happens, the game is over.
At some point something will happen such that fake GDP reporting is overwhelmed by actual fact. When that happens, today's situation will reverse. Whereas today most people believe what the government tells them, during the collapse phase nobody will believe anything that the government says. That loss of confidence is already underway which is why I know this con game cannot last very much longer. Once the patsies get wise there is no amount of con man babble that will appease and quiet them. You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but during the collapse phase of the debt Ponzi you suddenly find that you can't fool anyone at all. In fact, the con man will end up getting blamed for things he didn't even do.
I think that before the GDP reporting is overwhelmed by actual fact, the elite running the ponzi will do what they did when the scheme collapsed 85 years ago for the first time: all out war. Then no one will dare to question them without being hauled to some dark prison for "treason" while we the people chant with teary eyes "USA, USA, USA".
I see fewer and fewer Americans that are anxious to go to war these days. Obama tried to get us into a Syrian invasion and the American people shut his ass down with pretty significant political backlash.
And so it is clear to me at this point: Americans will not sign up for war and so the only way to drag us into war is if we get attacked. Or more to the point, we get told we were attacked. And bombing buildings will not be enough push this time. If they want to false flag us into another war it is going to have to be something really evil. Like maybe a dirty bomb detonated on Wall St, etc. That, I think, is the minimum they will have to do to get Americans to agree to war at this point.
So, when do you think the false flag is scheduled to occur?
Oh yeah, one more thing: FUCK YOU NSA!!
It's already occurring by rebooting the cold war with Russia. Can't you hear the chest thumping and the nationalistic braying? Or did you expect something new from the least common denominator elite front? After all, it worked before when they were putting the scheme back together 70 years ago. Of course it won't work this time, but the prisons are already waiting.
PS: fuck you very much, NSA.
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