Saturday, May 10, 2014

County Sheriff addresses NRA members on gun rights.

Trust me, conservatism is on the rise.  When you see certain aspects of law enforcement talking about gun rights like this, it is telling us that the pendulum is swinging.  The Sheriff service is the only state-constitutionally authorized police force.  The Sheriff, being an elected official accountable to voters instead of to the bureaucrats who run cities, is more likely to side with the people when the real problems begin.  Per Wiki, the Sheriff was also traditionally the commander of the militiaWiki defines militia as " army or other fighting force that is composed of non-professional fighters; citizens of a nation or subjects of a state or government that can be called upon to enter a combat situation, as opposed to a professional force of regular, full-time military personnel." and also "A private, non-government force, not necessarily directly supported or sanctioned by its government.".

So as you can see from the video, Sheriffs are now stepping forward (or just reclaiming their historical role) as the leader of an armed populace which is not controlled by and which might not even be aligned in goals with the formal army of a nation.

Look at the eyes of the people in that video folks.  Look at how the men are near teared up when they hear the words of an authority figure talking about taking control of our own defense back into our own hands and not outsourcing our individual security to the bureaucrats.  This is not a flash in the pan.  It is a great awakening and it has been predicted long ago by those like Prechter who understand how the mood of the herd cycles and how a fraudulent money supply greatly distorts and exaggerates the swings due to boom and bust of the money supply. 

Everyone talks about how the liberals won't let things go conservative because there are too many on the dole.  All I can say is that it doesn't work like that.  It only appears to.  Liberals are all about consuming more than they produce.  Grasshoppers and not ants in Aesop-speak.  But in reality, consumption cannot occur without production.  Thus, the consumers only have a say when there is overproduction, just like the type produced from a credit bubble.  But when the credit goes away, the overproduction goes away and no matter how much the over-consumers want free lunches, the supply is cut off.  No amount of whining changes it and if it means people who cannot adjust simply die in the streets then so be it.  The generosity of society is completely dependent on how rich the producers of society feel.  And the producers, the working middle class, are starting to feel unloved and un-rich.

The future is frugality and anyone who allowed their skills to lapse because of the lure of government dole is going to be very, very sad that they fell into that trap.  The conservative producer-ants will not be opening their doors to the liberal consumer-grasshoppers in the coming winter.  The mood will be sour: you made your bed now lie in it.  It will not be pretty but this is the predictable (and predicted) outcome of a a fraudulent pump and dump money supply based on the scam of fiat currency and especially fractional reserve lending.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure the sheriff wasn't Samuel L Jackson? :-D

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