Friday, January 31, 2020

What's the end game for society?

Because we are entering a period of turmoil many readers will look at the title of this and say, "more doom and gloom coming".  But that is wrong.  Yes, we have to unwind a shit load of scammy bullshit which is really going to be painful and yes, some if not many of the people will lose their lives in the process but our species will end up better off on the other side.

I will repeat a theme that I have mentioned in the past which is that the Star Trek vision will eventually win out.  People want Star Trek even if few can overcome their embarrassment in saying it out loud.  But if you forget all of the bullshit emotion and look at the vision you will see it is a very positive thing to both work for and hope for.  And right now I think we are still heading in that direction.  But I also think we need a big catastrophe to get people to work together for the common good instead of me me me.

All of this is in line with the swing back toward conservativism.  It's the liberals chasing the fake religion called paper money that are behind me, me, me.  Again, I did not say democrats.  Many liberals call themselves GOP.  A person is judged by their actions, not their political affiliations.  Most people have no idea just what heinous shit their government or religious heroes engage in.  How many 60s and 70s Catholics would admit that gay pedos had taken over their leadership?  Very few if any.  But that didn't stop it from being the truth.  Same is true for government regardless of demo or GOP.

So what is "Star Trek" society?  Well my view of this vision is where technology has advanced to where people have enough.  In the case of Star Trek they had taken it to an extreme given that replicators could make anything you want on demand in a few seconds.  And travel?  No need to covet the rich on that score in Star Trek because spacecraft and transporters take anyone wherever they want to go.  And computer aided health care took care of the sick without cost.  Under these circumstances, people no longer care about making money.  But neither do they live forever and so they want to do something useful and exciting and fulfilling with their lives.  They want to discover.  They want to learn.

Yeah, I know.  Basic space travel is a long way off for most people.  Warp drive, transporters and replicators much, much further so.  But look how much of the Star Trek vision is already real.  Ubiquitous handheld communications have been real for a long time.  Not just for the rich but for every ghetto rat these days as well.  Personal computing is pervasive and now we are even beginning to interact with our computers using nothing but voice.  That is Star Trek 101.  Touch screens are rapidly becoming commonplace and we will soon see interactive kiosks all over the place which work both on voice and touch screen user interfaces.  5G should make everyone connected all the time in ways that can only be imagined.

Additionally, we already have the means to feed everyone and the only reason there is hunger and want is because people still work for fake money.  If we worked for personal satisfaction instead of just trying to eat and have shelter and have healthcare in retirement then chasing fake money could go by the wayside.  Step 1 toward the real fulfillment of Star Trek vision is the death of fake money and eventually the death of the notion of wealth.  Who needs wealth if everything is free?

A lot of socialists would say that is their dream as well but there is a big difference.  Socialists want to take from those who work to give to those who don't. That is a form of enslavement and it will never work for any long period of time.  In Star Trek all the shared value is based on machine production controlled by AI instead of people having to do it.  In other words, Star Trek is powered by the enslavement of AI. 

I won't live to see it but it will arrive much faster than many think possible.  Maybe as soon as 200 years.  Maybe less.  Technology growth is exponential (unless we are wasting our time killing each other) and the main aspect of interest of exponential functions is that it compresses the time between events.

Live long and prosper!

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