Monday, January 20, 2020

Are Americans "exceptional"?

Obama went on record to to the rest of the world declaring Americans to be "exceptional".  I guess he was only referring to liberals because Hillary called everyone else "deplorables".  But as an engineer I have to look at things fairly and logically.  When people chant "USA USA USA"  I just roll my eyes.  I don't want those people on my team because their emotions are getting the better of them.  They remind me of cattle walking to the slaughterhouse mooing "COWS! COWS! COWS!" just before that big hook catches them by the ankle.

In my view, Americans are exceptional, but only in two major ways:
1) we have the world's reserve currency.
2) we have a history of people owning and using firearms.

That's really it.  The rest of the world have smart people, child prodigies, PhDs, great athletes, etc.  But no other nation owns the world's reserve currency and no other nation has firearms so woven into its culture.  Current case in point.  The new governor of Virginia is talking all kinds of smack to legal VA gun owners.  He wants to ban "assault rifles" and to generally push the democratic liberal agenda.  He wants to remove half of the reason that Virginians are exceptional.

As you can see from this vid, VA gun owners are not happy about it and normally quiet and subdued gun owners essentially surrounded the capitol in liberal Richmond, most of them armed to the teeth.  The governor got so afraid that he declared a state of emergency and banned guns in the capital complex proper.

One thing is for sure: the governor of VA has awakened the sleeping giant.  Gun owners and conservatives can see real risk forming against them and their lifestyles.  This is not live and let live; this is live and demand that everyone else live the same way.  These are the kinds of things that can spiral out of control very very quickly.

I recently read where one Chilean protestor said, referring to the 30 peso fare increase on public transportation, "it wasn't the 30 pesos, it was the 30 years".  In other words, the fare increase was just the straw that broke the camel's back.  When gun grabbers make a grab for guns and conservatives just watch without doing anything, I rest easy because the herd is telling me it does not see a big threat.  But when the grab is made and there is a big uproar then I have to believe the conservative herd is quite worried about what is happening.  It's much safer for us all when politicians feign the taking of one side's rights to placate their constituents...

I will warn VA and all other states that this is a very bad time to start this kind of trouble and that liberal fools should at all times remember that they don't like guns and thus don't have many but conservatives love guns, have been shooting them all their lives, and can blow the back out of a man's skull at 400 yards in most cases without too much difficulty.  Liberals are more likely to shoot themselves or their family members.

Stand down, liberals, while you are still allowed to stand.

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