Sunday, January 5, 2020

Is the Iraqi general the new Franz Ferdinand?

Trump is on record admitting to the assassination of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani.  I always worried that the Global Debt Ponzi would have to end with war in order to distract us from the fact that the fake money system is and always has been a scam.  I wonder if Soleimani will be used as the reason to start the next world war in the same way as the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand was used as the excuse for the start of WW1.

Watch the stock market.  If the market believes a major war has just been started, it will begin to plummet.  Personally I suspect the general was a murderous terrorist.  But I also believe in following the advice of the founders to avoid foreign entanglements.  Well, we are entangled now.  The Iranian people are standing behind their leaders and demanding revenge.  Of course the whole thing is ridiculous, all the way down to an American Chevy truck being used as the lead vehicle in the funeral parade.

Death to America as long as they keep sending us Chevrolet vehicles, I guess.


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