Tuesday, January 21, 2020

I warned the cops this was coming.

I have written many times in these pages that a sign of the end times of the Global Debt Ponzi would be that the system which protected cops would begin throwing them under the bus.  Not because they want to but because they want to score points with the herd which is now watching these things intently

Recent case in point, cops were chasing a 15 year old on an ATV.   It does not appear from the evidence that they had their lights on but we can hear a siren.  So they were chasing him and he was just not pulling over.  Of course, ATVs cannot go very fast so it was never like he was going to be able to out run them.  But in any case, since the evil criminal child would not obey their zero tolerance commands, they fucking shot him with a tazer at speed.  Well of course the kid dumps hard and gets brain injuries and dies on the way to the hospital.

A few years ago the city lawyers and the police union would have gotten on the podium saying how sad it was that this boy lost his life to his own reckless lawlessness and how great it was that the cops tazed him like that before he could do real damage and maybe kill someone through his recklessness.  And the cops would have gotten swept out of the limelight and given a 6 month paid vacation and then quietly turned up in another cop job perhaps at another department.

That was the game.  But I predicted that time was up and that higher ups would soon be throwing their paid enforcers under the bus.  Worse, they would dance on their graves and grandstand about how they were cleaning the bad police up.  And that is just what happened in this case.  Cops got fired and cops got sent to jail not for the minimum sentence but in a sentence where the judge went out of the way to make a point for her audience, the herd, who was dutifully watching.

Look at the comments in that vid.  In cases like this it used to be a few people like me saying what a cluster fuck the incident was, how the cop should be in jail and how, if it were my kid, I would take some of that 12 million and hit the guy who did it just to make a statement.  And 98% of the other comments would be things like "he shuldna run from the cops", etc.  But look at those comments now and you can see the mood of the herd.  99% of them are anti police and screaming bloody murder not just at the cop who tazed the kid, but at the whole crap show including video of cops turning off their body cams so as to limit the amount of incriminating evidence got recorded.

All I can say is I tried to warn them.  I tried to tell them to tone it down and shape it up but no, they went off on their power trip and once on a power trip it can be very difficult to step down from it because one's self worth becomes tied to being large and in charge.

I hope the cops are paying attention to the herd here.  There is still time to de-escalate what I currently view as an inevitable violent conflict between citizens and cops.  I don't want it to happen but I think the cops have just abused their power for so long now that trouble is bound to happen.  If there are protests and cops are shooting people in the face with rubber bullets, thus blinding people like the cops in Chile are doing to the citizens, I would lay odds that it turns into a major shooting battle on the streets where the cops are literally wiped out.  They think they are in charge.  Man what hubris.  There is nothing more powerful than the herd.

I'll say it again: cops, STAND DOWN.  Apologize for being too heavy handed too often.  When you see someone on the roadside broken down stop and help.  Make a public show of actually being interested in public safety and public well being.  You have thousands of miles of fences to mend.  Don't do it because I say so, do it because the alternative is just going to be ugly on a historic scale.

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