Sunday, January 12, 2020

Carnaval cruise lines wants people to dress more conservatively.

In yet another very telling bit of news, Carnival cruises has banned "offensive" clothing with with a focus on nudity and sexual innuendo.  This is interesting because many people go on cruises to hook up with strangers and one good way of advertising your willingness is to wear clothing that invites others looking for same.  Cruises are also a way for young and good looking people to flaunt what they got while they got it.

Carnival doesn't care about morality and they would not be a very good judge of it even if they were concerned about it.  What they care about is profits and it seems clear that enough feed back has come back to management profits will be at risk if they don't force a small percentage of their passengers to tone it down.

During the liberal rising years, less clothing and more overt sexual behavior was applauded as that is what seemed to draw the crowds but now that we are past peak liberalism for this cycle I expect more and more of this kind of overtly conservative behavior to become the norm.

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