Thursday, January 2, 2020

Corrupt chief FISA judge Collyer steps down

In my recent post on the state of the collapsing FISA court (fake secret court) I stated, "Holding secret court is liberal in nature and you can see peak liberalism right there on that chart.  If we have any chance of surviving, this chart will now collapse to zero in true mania fashion and FISA Rosemary will be removed from her position and the FISA process dismantled.".

Well, she didn't last long in her position and we are now being told that she stepped down "due to health issues" just a few weeks before she was scheduled to leave anyway.  Too bad this is the first time I have heard that she was near end of term or that she had health issues.  All of it sounds like a lot of convenient face-saving to me.

With this action the elite have proven that they are not invincible as so many believe.  They know they rely on the working class to do their work for them otherwise they themselves would have to do it.  So when the sheeple stop ignoring things like this, the elite move quickly to get out in front of it.  But this has to be the effective end of FISA IMO.  They might come up with more rules for getting warrants and they might not disband FISA but the number of rejected FISA applications is now going to skyrocket (see the noise amount that get rejected now).  This will effectively end FISA whether or not the useless bozos still attend the regularly scheduled FISA meetings or not.  FISA participation is now going to be a big negative on the resume and judges will no longer seek appointment to it.  There are just too many sheeple looking at this now.  It is just like I said was going to happen.  During good times the herd looks at all these elite abuses like cows at a passing train.  I predicted that it would be a sign of the end times of the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi) when the herd no longer chewed its cud as abuses were happening.  The herd is now awake because the prosperity at the lower levels is collapsing.

Soon enough we are going to start seeing the usual early warnings happen about recession: high tech will begin laying off in large numbers and the the supposedly unstoppable stock market will shit the bed.

I will say it again so that there are many references to it in these pages: when things get really bad, government will come clean with things like 9-11 because it will realize that in order for the sheeple masses to trust again, they must hear some dirty secrets and heads must roll.  I personally would like to see Dick Cheney (or Darth Cheney as many refer to him) tried for the murders of the 3000+ who died when the towers fell.  GW bush also needs to be implicated right along with the Saudis.  Massive wrongful death payments should be extracted from house Saud over this and here in the USA we need to see some big name elite asshats put to death. 

I would like to see the Clinton foundation charged with fraud and for Hillary to get charged with selling access to government and running guns.  Yes, I know these things sound impossible but a choice will have to be made at some point: do whatever it takes to convince the herd to settle down again or watch the USA get ripped to shreds by the anger that is now omnipresent. 

Oh yeah, and let's also not forget about admission that UFOs are real and perhaps even see von Braun's prediction that government will fake an invasion from ET in order to distract us from all the thousands of ways government and the fake money system has been fucking us over for the past 70 years.

I think government will try to slip out a few little skeletons here and there thinking that it will show transparency and get the sheeple back on their side but it will have exactly the opposite effect.  Each time some corrupt shit gets affirmed, the herd's eyes will get bigger and bigger and the anger level will rise and rise.  The main reason for this is sheeple pride.  The sheeple have been mocking the hyperinformed, hyper aware, hyper watchful members of society for a long time.  They made up names like "conspiracy theorist", etc. in order to mock them.  But with each revelation it will be shown that the conspiracies are facts, not theories and those who did not see it happening were really just gullible head in the sand herding fools. 

And they will recognize this for themselves and it will anger them greatly, not as much what was done but more because of how badly they got scammed and never realized it.  And then the "conspiracy theorists" will begin to mock the mainstream sheeple with terms like gullitard, etc. to rub it in how gullible they were not seeing the truth of these matters.  Even though they will deny it, it will be their own battered pride that pisses the gullible off more than the actual crimes in many cases.

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