In response, trusting doe-eyed liberal teachers like the one below who was highlighted in the story accepted the Devil's handshake in this matter and began taking their higher ed courses. But now with interest rates on the rise it has begun to get harder to get people to loan our government money to fund these programs with and so the government is looking for any reason, any infraction, any subtle human failure in order to declare that the recipient did not meet the letter of their agreement and thus the grants are converted to loans, with interest, effective immediately and without recourse.
Now, I know lots of people want to blame this on Trump, Trump hates education, etc. but the facts do not support that assertion. As you can see by the paperwork that the teacher shows us, she received the letter telling her she was now the owner of a big pile of student debt instead of a grant was dated January 30, 2017. Trump was only sworn into office on January 20th 2017. I doubt that in the first 10 days of his reign that he told the education dept to start screwing its teachers over. The turmoil at that time with the transition, picking new cabinet members, etc. was very high. No, this was in flight during Obama's reign. He threw his loyal liberal followers under the bus on his way out the door.
Personally I think the whole thing sucks but an increasingly desperate government is going to do increasingly desperate things and the marginal players are always hit first and worst. The best bet is to just avoid any dealings with corrupt government to the extent possible. If you shake hands with the devil the odds are high that you will get burned. A lot of liberal government employees enjoyed the upside of low rates that allowed for exploding government debt. Welcome to the downside. We ain't seen bad yet, but its coming.
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