Hussman's main point is that back in 2000 the bubble, as indicated by his price to revenue models (i.e. historical valuations of "normalcy"), was mainly in tech stocks. Prior to the 2007 market peak his analysis was saying that all stocks were generally overvalued enough to incur risk of 55% losses from the peak and we know what happened into the early months of 2009.
Now he's saying that the S+P 500 can expect a collapse of 63% from current value based on current price to revenue models.
As usual, however, the trick is knowing when to exit the Ponzi. Exit too soon and you leave money on the table. Exit too late and you get Madoffed. It's really as simple as that. I have proven over and over again that a good deal of insight can be gleaned from simply applying the Elliott wave principle to any chart. The chart below has a structure and a wave count that should be of great interest to anyone with money in these markets. Sign up for my Elliott wave chart analysis service and find out what I'm showing my subscribers relative to this chart and many others that agree on the future direction of US markets.
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