Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ridiculous idiots in the media think that Putin's war plans are put off by currency and stock market losses.

Putin's unmarked expeditionary forces moved into and then back out of parts of Crimea.  As a result, complete morons in the main stream media are saying things like "The banks taught Putin a lesson", etc.  Here is one example which talks about losses in the Russian stock market and weakening of the Ruble.  Because of these things, we are supposed to believe, Putin CAN'T be credible in starting a war.

To that I can only quote Gen. Douglas MacArthur: "Nuts.".   As in bulllllll$iiiiiiiiiittttt.   First off, Putin is not running the show.  Neither is Obama.  They are both just bad actors being handed scripts that they must follow.  The exact details are not provided but the scene layout and the deaths and strife and suffering it will cause are already predetermined.  These things were cast in stone the minute we went down the road of unbacked money at the global level.   The entire world is bankrupt right here, right now.  Everyone owes everyone else and nobody has the means to pay, or ever will have the means to pay.   As Mish likes to say, what cannot be repaid will not be repaid.  All that's left for the world is to default and then fight over who gets the entrails of the corrupt and dying monetary system.  If Putin seems bored in his forced meetings with the other actors on the set it's because he already knows the outcome.  He, like Obama, is just doing his job and he probably doesn't care much for it, but hey, if it is the only way to remain supreme dictator of hundreds of millions of people then he will put up with it.

Second off, what kind of a backward child believes that Putin did not know what would happen when he went to invade?  Does everyone really think that the leader of a major country is really that stupid as to have no clue about the socioeconomic implications of war?  The markets hate uncertainty and war is 100% uncertainty.  It is the ultimate uncertainty.  All bets are OFF, OFF, OFF when it comes to war!!  There are no rules and we are soooooooo vulnerable.

For example, the US lives on its money might.  Take that away and the US would literally fall apart.  Those Americans who hate the federal government would jump at the chance to secede.  It is only the magick of the federal printing presses and credit system that keeps anyone interested in allowing federal involvement in the game, much less their leadership of it.

If you take away the engine of money then you collapse the US military overnight. You eliminate the will and desire of the American people to go try to project power into a foreign land.  That is an expensive deal!!  Also, you skyrocket US interest rates making more debt highly painful to take on.  With all of this in mind, what if someone laid a major, major cyber attack on Wall St such that it was shut down, possibly for a significant amount of time?  What if someone literally deleted millions of online accounts so that people would not know who owed what to who?  You don't even need a tactical nuke to do this and you don't even need to admit to doing it.  You can blame it on anyone and, if you were careful enough about killing everyone who helped you do it, there would be no provable trail back to The Kremlin.  There have been a lot of reported hackings with customer info loss at the likes of Target, etc.  But somehow those attacks never materialize into credit fraud on any scale.  Could those hacks really be getting done in order to build up an arsenal of information for hacking Wall St. en masse at a time of choosing of our enemies?  That's what I would be doing if I were them and they are a lot smarter than me.  To think that they, with all of their spare time and not having to work a real job, have not considered all of these chess moves is to be asleep.

If I were Putin,  I would not even have thought about starting any kind of war without figuring all of this stuff out and putting mitigation plans in place.  Is it a coincidence that both Russia and China have been hoarding gold for the last few years?  REALLY?  Just a coincidence?  Sorry, I don't believe in them.   Coincidence theorists are idiots.  They are the same people who deny that there is intelligent, structured order to the universe. The evidence means nothing to these arrogant sheeple; their own desire to Go Ostrich in order to avoid conflict keeps them from seeing the truth.  They really cannot help it, this is hard wired into the heads of most of the herd.  I know very, very few critical thinkers who are not afraid to question the status quo especially in a vocal way as I am know to do because they fear to be ostracized.  Since I really don't care what other people think, I guess I am more immune.  This is not always an advantage!!  It is not always a good career move!!  But it is always honest and it is always true to self and so those who don't like it can, well, they just can.

But back to Putin so I can close this rant: his moves so far were nothing more than classical military probes.  Sending in the early forces without insignia or ID of any kind was a masterful stroke.  It allowed him to survey the situation close up and also to begin to precondition everyone's thinking without the immediate need for bloodshed.  It allows him to claim "humanitarian mission in support of the safety and security of the people".  Of course, when you hear these things coming from government at any level, grab your wallet and your gun because they mean exactly the opposite of what they say.  They really mean, "Here we come to rape and pillage the suckers who will believe any lie we tell them". 

Today nobody in the main stream media is giving Putin credit for this.   They will, after they step back in a few months and look at things, but right now they cannot see the big picture.  They are following the day to day action too closely.  They are extrapolating the happenings of a single day into something with long term significance.   They are playing right into Putin's hands.

No, hopeful readers, Putin is not afraid of the economic problems caused by war because he and Obama both welcome the cloak of personal invisibility they receive in the deal.  Their economies are both on the verge of massive Bear Stearns, Lehman, LTCM and Madoff type collapses.  Like any CEO, these guys don't care what happens to the company as long as they get their bonuses.  The fraud of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking has reached, as some are now finally recognizing it to be: The End Game.   They don't just want an excuse for war, they desperately need one because otherwise they will be personally held accountable for the economic collapse that is coming war or no war.


Anonymous said...

I tend to give Putin more credit than he's due. While he plays chess, the rest of the world leaders play checkers... and Obama, marbles.

First off, Ukraine has been a Russian province for 300 years and Crimea, for 250 years. In a bizarre move, Stalin granted the administrative jurisdiction of Crimea to Ukraine. When the Soviet empire fell, it couldn't afford to keep the former Soviet republics, but now it can.

Crimea is not unlike Belarus. Though the former is an independent republic under Ukraine, it's always considered itself part of Russia. Belarus willingly ceded sovereignty to Russia. Crimea wouldn't mind returning to Russia either, where the absolute majority of the population is ethnically Russian and they never considered themselves as Ukrainian.

So it should not only not be a surprise that the Crimean parliament voted to join Russia, but it shouldn't be either that Putin would make a move when the Ukrainians tried to join the EU and started to make noises about joining NATO afterwards. Let this sink in: the Baltic states with which Russia shares borders belong to NATO, Poland has American missiles. Why would it Russia quietly tolerate all of its Western borders become NATO beachheads (v. NATO members in blue).

Sure, Russia is imperialist. It has been since its birth half a millennium ago. But so is America. It has been almost since its birth, since the Spanish-American war. But instead of lopping democracy bombs first and asking questions later, Putin at least moved in with practically no casualties, thank goodness.

And since Putin knows that the West is bankrupt and needs a war to cover up its demise, he could not let his Western borders be advanced posts of NATO.

Russia's got gold, guns and energy and perhaps can weather out the collapse of the West, as long as it can keep the warring West away.

The Captain said...

Nice comment. It hints that there are much larger forces at play in all of these move, far beyond the calling of the day to day action of the main stream US propaganda system.

Nothing is as it seems.

Anonymous said...

At least the people in the USSR knew that there was neither news in the Pravda ("truth") nor truth in the Izvestia ("news"). Yet, the best educated people in the country believes in the "news" on CNN and in the "truth" on the New York Times. Pride is a cruel master indeed, for it invariably makes fools of its servants.

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