Sunday, March 30, 2014

More signs of the rise of economic conservatism.

Look at some of the amazing hyper-conservative things that are happening now that the credit has run out.  This one blows me away:

This next one is in many ways even more important: 

Whereas GA politicos figured out the will of the people and got in front of it, CT politicos still think they can mandate away people’s constitutional rights.  This is a huge mistake.  The time for ordering the people around like serfs is over for this cycle.  The nanny state libs have had a good run of it but there are now too many signs telling me the pendulum is swinging away from them.  When the growth of credit stops and then reverses itself, as it always eventually must, the people gain power and the state loses power.  Consider this truth: if the state has the ability to pay for its “programs” and its enforcer/centurions using debt then it does not need approval by the taxpayer.  The state grows more powerful in spite of the taxpayer.  But when the credit begins to fail as it is doing right now  the state has to collect more taxes to keep up the old games and that is much more difficult to do without getting dragged into the streets.

If CT tries to crush this 4th amendment rebellion I suspect it will turn into something of a running gunfight.  The dissenters must know that the state already knows who they are and where they live.  Not registering does not provide them any anonymity because anytime you buy something with any electronic form, the government takes note of it.  Not registering and not giving up their guns willingly forces the state to either back down or to decide to use force, probably even lethal force against people who are not harming anyone.   If the state goes after these people then someone will be killed in short order and that person will be martyred.  What would follow would not be pretty.   Yes, we are now at that stage of the debt Ponzi collapse.  One bad miscalculation here could toss a match into a tinderbox. 

I say again, economic liberalism is a lean toward consumption on credit.  Do not mistake DEM and GOP for economic liberal and conservative!  They might be the same but I consider Bush an economic liberal.  You can tell because the debt goes up dramatically on their watch while the privacy and freedoms of the citizens go down.  There is a definite link between the two.  With rising debt, the economic liberals basically outsource to the state everyone’s personal responsibilities in all matters.  The state becomes overseer and the people sign up for slavery in the hopes of having a better life if they sell their souls. 

Economic conservatism is a lean toward savings and a consumption model based on cash and carry.  If you are not racking up debt then you have to live within your means.  It is very expensive to outsource your personal responsibilities; you have to pick and choose carefully what makes sense to hire out to others.  Economic conservatives think that police should remain as an emergency service or a service that tracks down those who already committed crimes.   They do not believe that the state can effectively protect them and don’t want to pay for the bill even if the state could promise safety. 

Unfortunately we are now at the point where the odds of getting killed by police are 8x higher than being killed by a terrorist.  If you let the state take out loans to pay themselves it is pretty obvious that they will abuse it over time and the state will become the terrorist right up until the people band together, figure it out, and just say no.


Anonymous said...

As the number of gun-owners in CT is just way too big to jail, we might come to witness a velvet revolution in this country. Entitlements reaching more than 50% of the federal budget is the swan's song of liberalism, its 5th wave in EW terms, even if it overshoots yet more.

The Captain said...

There's really no need to respond to your post with anything more than "well said".

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