Thursday, August 19, 2021

Palantir buys $50million in gold bullion to hold on their balance sheet.

MANY years ago I told people to be on the lookout for when corporations begin carrying gold as an asset on their balance sheets again.  In fact I wrote this back in 2012:

"As I have indicated in prior posts, one huge trigger that will likely get the herd really interested in gold will be when corporations, fearing the government printing presses, begin to seek safety in physical gold which they will begin listing as assets on their corporate balance sheets.  Nobody but nobody in the financial media is talking about this today.  The only corporations which have even breathed a word of this strategy are mining companies and even among them there is still no real push in this direction.  But it will happen because it has to happen as the fraudulent fiat currency continues to die.  Those corporations which do not figure it out will die right along with the fraudulent currency. "

Very recently it was widely reported that Palantir, a SW company, just bought $50 million in gold bars as an inflation hedge.  This is a VERY slippery slope indeed.  If this becomes "a thing" (and it will) then it will be the functional equivalent of foreign nations rushing to the gold window back in the late 1960s in order to turn their fake paper dollars back into gold.

The system will act like this does not matter as long as it can.  It has to let those who run away first get out whole.  That is how a Ponzi works.  It simply hopes it can delay the inevitable as long as possible.  But this move by Palantir will not be in isolation.  Soon enough you will see others join them into getting some of their corporate wealth out of the fake paper before the herd  beats them to it.  And I don't mean into bitcoin.  That is out of the frying pan and into the fire.

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