Thursday, August 19, 2021

Another sign of the coming end of the Global Debt Ponzi

Many times I have said that when people begin to value their own principles over Mammon Money, that is the sign that the fake currency is losing its hold over people.  For decades now the wealthy have been held up as the basic standard of the American Dream.  We've been fed a steady diet of Hollywood stars, lifestyles of the rich and famous, etc. in order to get us to "believe".  That was the American Dream.  "BELIEVE".  Of course, belief and confidence are the signs of a con game, and that is exactly what it has been.

But it made us all work hard and do good things for the actually wealthy.  We traded in our hours for a handful of dimes.  Some of us got more than others but in aggregate, the workers got as little as possible and the elite took the lion's share.  But those days are coming to an end and when you see the weak and the timid acting bravely in the face of the unknown, you know that the con of fake money is long in the tooth.

Please continue to make preparations because the transition from what is now to what will be is going to be a very rough ride.  Not because anyone wants it to be but rather because there is no other way.  Ponzi schemes never plateau and they never have soft landings.

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