Thursday, August 26, 2021

Kamala Harris has the worst ranking of any US veep ever.

Kamala rhe kackling klown has a 46% disapproval rating which is the worst in recorded history for the USA.  Conservatives alone cannot create this score.  Centrist dems are jumping ship.  They are embarrassed at the dynamic dipsticks that they voted in.  Trump talks like a child but his policies were mostly OK (except the need to have exponentially rising debt, which is basically a given now).  But Biden and harris have done nearly nothing right.  Part of this is because Biden isn't even doing his own thinking.  They wind him up and send him out in front of the cameras and hope he doesn't forget his own name in the next 3 minutes.  Harris was never any kind of leader.  She's just somewhat black and a woman.  So that are her only "qualifications" from the moronic left who treat the presidency as a popularity contest with zero thought to leadership past track record or future capability.

Dems are going to lose so badly in 2022. It will be the worst snuff in many decades.


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