Saturday, August 21, 2021

Few things in my life have I seen as ill advised as this.

The San Francisco gay choir has a tongue in cheek message for conservatives: "you're right, we're coming for your children".  Yes, we understand that their message is supposedly that since non gay parents are "haters", the gay community will step in and teach kids to be nice people, not to hate, etc.  This is in line with their message that everyone who thinks homos are mentally defective are "haters".  This is like me coming out to my car, seeing a flat tire, and then being called a hater because not only am I not in favor of it but in fact I am actively opposed to it.

Now, don't get me wrong.  If my neighbor has a flat, that's his problem and not mine.  Likewise, if all these queers want to be queers then good for them, let them be queers.  It's not my problem.  And I think most real conservatives think the same way.  But they do want to protect their children from indoctrination during their vulnerable formative years.  And the gay choir is being pretty loud about the fact that they think they can run their operations unchallenged.

All I can say is that this is very, very ill advised.  Let's say you are in a cage with a lion who has been pretty much leaving you alone.  It doesn't like you in the cage but its well fed with raw meat and so it puts up with you.  But if you suddenly think you are lion proof and then go sharpen up a stick and start jabbing the lion, and even more stupidly, the lion's cubs, then all I can say is good luck with that.  Something is going to snap and when it does, it will go down with a bang.  It will be swift, sudden and very violent.

This is like a dam which holds back the water until it can't and then suddenly collapses.  These fucking morons believe that the restraint and tolerance that has been shown to them to date is a given.  They think that the government can save them from anything. They are cocky and so very very stupid.  They have no idea what will happen if they step just one step too far but to me it's completely obvious what will happen.

I don't mean what will happen if they step one step too far, but rather when they step one step too far.  These fucking idiots don't know when to quit and so the more that the conservatives try to ignore their antics, the more stupid the antics are bound to become.  And at some point the line will be crossed, the dam will break and it will be open season on faggots like they have never seen.

I personally do not want this.  I have posted many times that the smart homos will just behave normally, live their lives and leave others alone.   They will not provoke a response.  They will live and let live.  But the homo community has too many activists that are just too damned loud.  So I do not see any way to avoid what I know is coming.  They are begging for it and so it will eventually be given to them.  Do not be surprised or shocked when it happens because I'm telling you in advance that it now MUST happen.  If you are gay, then please, stay away from these loud homos and do not get involved in their crazy antics.  Just live your life peacefully and do not get caught up in some stupid "movement" because when the backlash begins it is going to cut homos down without mercy.   Once the dam breaks the water comes down quickly and anyone below the dam drowns.  I wish I had a chart to look at so I could provide Elliott wave analysis on the when part but with the gay choir proudly posting that they are targeting the children, I think the time approaches rapidly.

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