Check out this article that came out today in Nature Magazine. The first couple paragraphs follow:
"To evolutionary biologists, the genetics of homosexuality seems like a paradox. In theory, humans and other animals who are exclusively attracted to others of the same sex should be unlikely to produce many biological children, so any genes that predispose people to homosexuality would rarely be passed on to future generations. Yet same-sex attraction is widespread in humans, and research suggests that it is partly genetic.
In a study of data from hundreds of thousands of people, researchers have now identified genetic patterns that could be associated with homosexual behaviour..."
It is clearly partly genetic, in fact I would say mostly so. That said, if children who are not at risk of homo-ism genetically are bombarded with homoism indoctrination then yes, they can adopt the lifestyle as well, but they are never happy and most of them eventually drop the homo partner and either go the rest of life solo or get back into the hetero side of things. Suicide is quite common among this group.
With respect to the homo gene in men, there is one main marker that I look for. Having this marker does not absolutely mean the guy is a homo but I would say it gives at least 70+% odds that he's either an overt gay or closet gay. That number one marker in my experience is the lack of discernible ear lobes. I think ear lobes are related to testosterone levels which in turn drive sexual orientation at the genetic level.
In order to present more data, I just googled for "famous lesbians" because for the most part I don't keep up with this kind of thing. The first name to pop up was Jacqueline Wilson. Yup, big ear lobes.
Another from that list: Lena Waithe:
Another from that list is Samira Wiley. Again, big lobe is an initial give away:
Now, lets have a look at a couple of "known fabulous" men:
An extreme indicator of this is the sloping non-earlobe like you see below. These guys are 90%+gay. They are truly "born this way".
Speaking of born this way, lady gaga also has the homo gene, female version. She hangs out with a number of different guys but she's a big supporter of gaydom. Most straight people do not attack gaydom but neither do they go out of their way to support it.
In the case of normal men, here's Russell Crow (normal lobes)
And Tom Seleck? Not genetically trending toward homoism.
OK so here is another star who has been in action films but is not openly gay. However, he has a history of recommending that gay actors "stay closeted". My earlobe indicator suggests that he might be taking his own advice. Oh, and being married has little to do with gay tendencies. Gays get married hetro all the time, especially if they think that their public image/career depends on it. So there are a lot of closet gay politicians and actors to be sure.
There are other big indications as well but the earlobe indicator is kind of a first sniff test with good odds behind it. But I use 3-4 different observations in my Gaydar. I would never treat these people differently than anyone else UNLESS they have already expressed a radical agenda like "we're coming for your children". Centrists gays have always been part of the human species. These observations simply help me try to understand more about what makes us tick because it's clear to me that science is way behind on this subject.
1 comment:
I don't think homosexuality is "mostly" genetic. Just because a man is genetically feminine doesn't mean that he must turn gay. However, if he lives in a society where there are no morals, then he generally will.
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