Below is the current snapshot and it's looking a good deal like the model. The E wave could already be in but I didn't sell into it because my count of the wave says that the end of day peak was A of E and that E' prime will likely be the "real" E (C of E).
Either that or the whole HT could get busted completely per the blue model (The HT is NOT confirmed yet). Another reason why I'm still in UVXY even though this is looking a lot like my 4th wave model is TNX looks ready to pop and I don't think the market will view higher interest rates as a positive thing.
BTW, the talking heads will probably view the rising rates as an inflation sign and then they will wonder why stocks aren't going up into inflation expectations. In truth, the rising rates will be due to plummeting confidence in the US to hold the global debt Ponzi together once the Euro scam collapses. Their risk is our risk in such an interconnected economy where everyone is using fake money.
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