Below is a model that could play out over the next few days if we are lucky.
While there is no requirement for all of this volatility, it would provide lot of whipsaw that would wear most traders out. I mean, who can put up with 25% losses in a single day on a large trade and not be ready to vomit? Most people think they can play the momo game - wait until a direction seems to be working and then jump in. The 4th waves are designed to cream these people. Just when they think it is safe, the chart reverses. They get stopped out for a big loss and then it repeats a few more times before the chart takes on a real direction by which time the trader is bloody and numb.
Of course, if you just sit there and take it with JNUG you are a fool. This is a trading ETF, not a long term buy and hold. I could see just holding it for a few days at a time but at some point you are going to get the big retracement and your profits will evaporate unless you learn to use stops and let the negative volatility be your friend which allows you the opportunity to buy more shares at lower prices for the next run.
Below is a close up of how that 4th wave might look. Note that there is a gap to fill at exactly the right place for the C wave to peak. To be honest, I drew these lines on the zoomed out view to look like the typical horizontal triangle. I did not even see that gap until I zoomed in to the 10 minute chart. So it is very interesting to me that my model just happens to perfectly fill that gap.
Of course, a move higher than pink "a" will invalidate this model as will a lower low than the point marked pink "b" above. I really hope we get this 4th wave action because it would give us a "key frame" in the wave continuum - something that makes it easy to recognize where in the count we are. If this model is correct it will be worth many thousands of dollars to have known it in advance if played correctly. If this model is not correct it will quickly let us know.
From October 30th,
"I think I will snap up some small position of JNUG tomorrow for a multi month hold." Does today's "I could see just holding it for a few days at a time" comment indicate a change in sentiment?
Steven B.
Fair question. Note that I wrote "some small position". I did not provide any further quantification. What I meant to imply here was to wait for some significant looking bottom and then take 10 or 15% of my total allotment for trading JNUG and just leave it in the kitty until some really major wave count finished. I will not do this with my whole trading position, NFW. But 10-15%? Yes. I have not done that yet because a confirmed bottom is not in yet.
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