Saturday, November 8, 2014

Gold haters, beware of Audit the Fed. The new conservatism is the enemy of gold haters.

Fiat currency and fractional reserve currency is a scourge upon the Earth.  I think the masses are waking up to this.  I think the whole wealth inequality thing is seeping into the collective mind.  It is because of this that I think the Audit the Fed bill vote is going to pass the senate and that could serve as major stimulus for gold.  This is the story nobody is talking about right now, but the GOP controlled house passed Audit the Fed in September.  But it stalled there because Harry "liberal con man" Reid would not even let it get a Senate vote.  The article says, "Still, despite the overwhelming support, the law is likely to die. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who had previously indicated support for such an audit, reversed himself in 2012 and said he wouldn’t let the bill come to to the Senate floor.".

Well guess what?  Reid has abused his power for too long and is out on his ASS as senate majority leader because the dems no longer have the majority.  The sudden desire for bipartisan cooperation is the political equivalent to mea culpa and genuflection.

The GOPs know that they were sidelined by the American people for doing nothing for a long time.  Obama promised hope and changed while delivering despair and same ole same ole.

Now that the GOP has regained control, their new agenda is to lead.  Not because they want to mind you.  They would just as soon be fucking assholes as the dems were and are.  In fact, the GOP has through its history been as bad or worse.  No, the GOPs will not lead because they are better people, it will be because they realize that the sleepy people are waking up to the rip off and the only way to stay in power going forward will not be to ACT like they are helping us but to in fact unwind some of the corruption and throw us a bone by actually helping us.  Obama already used up all the tolerance for play acting as leader; the GOP must either lead or the people will replace them with something new and something not dem.
If someone like Ted Cruz actually gets selected for majority leader as some appear to think then how long do you think it will take to vote on Audit the Fed in the senate?  Foks, do you know why every party wants to audit the fed when the other party is in power but not when they themselves get control?  It's because the fed is a source of free money for congress to spread gifts to insiders with.  It is the funding mechanism of the global industrial complex.  It is the hidden tax scheme which is the real engine of income inequality.  So from the above link we know Reid would not allow an audit but before that, back when the GOP had senate majority in 1995, Reid was all for the audit.  Here we have a recent GOP throwing that in his face.

So here are the real fundamentals and associated dynamics:
  • the federal reserve is a scam 
  • the government supported its operations because the government was a key beneficiary
  • the party in power always defended the fake sovereignty of the fed because it would use the free money in order to further its own corrupt goals.  Those not in the majority would always want an audit in order to control the purse strings to the opposition's reckless debt based spending.  Debt that comes from the treasury is monetized by the fed whether or not we understand the paper trail.  The fed has been the majority buyer of treasuries for a long time now either through visible purchases or through the use of fronting operations and off book purchases.  Folks, this is organized crime.  They do the same things that other organized criminals have always done with two sets of books, off shore shell operations, etc.  Believe it.
  • the power ping ponged between parties and the American people got fucked every time but we didn't care because the growth being bought by the new money kept everyone fat and happy
  • the prosperity petered out for the middle and lower classes and so they became desperate for hope and change
  • Obama stepped in and never gave the suckers an even break
  • the people finally began to wake up, the GOP finally realized that there was not alternative to doing the right thing now that the people are on to the scam and it is driving them to the polls.  There is now no way to stay in power but to lead.  There is no other alternative and so it will happen. 
  • the fed, after all these years, will be audited and skeletons will be found.  Changes, perhaps major ones, will ensue.  Why do you think the fed is already warning against government "interference" in their ops?  Everyone knows where we are in this sequence and now so do you.   Gold has always been a victim of federal reserve operations.  If those operations receive a ray of sunlight I can only believe that gold will be a beneficiary.

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