A+E, you are soooooo losing this little skirmish. Throw your hands up you fools, and surrender to Phil's conservative army. Make haste to apologize publicly NOT TO PHIL but to your audience for the crime of trying to impose your idea of social justice on them just like Cracker Barrel did. It's really your only hope.
Cracker Barrel tried to "half hate" Phil with the removal of some "Duck" products from its stores. That lasted about 2 days before the hate mail overwhelmed them so badly that they quickly (and intelligently) did an about face and proved that they don't really give a damn about anything but profits. If that sounds like a cut then you are badly misreading me. Cracker Barrel is a corporation and one with a very low profit margin. It provides a good service for common people at reasonable prices (even if I don't personally care for their food -I'll always choose Denny's over Cracker Barrel when I'm driving cross country).
Still, as a corporation, Cracker Barrel provides working class people with jobs. Making a sustainable profit for its owners is and should continue to be the primary goal for all corporations. You can't piss on the environment and call it sustainable. You can't underpay workers and call it sustainable. You have to be fair, but not for fair's sake. Corporations have to be fair in the name of sustainable profitability. It's that old "enlightened self interest" thingy. And you damned sure can't play fake political correctness pandering games for an audience which might be highly vocal but which is not highly tied to your market. When it comes to Cracker Barrel, LGBT might be loud and vocal but it is not Cracker Barrel's main market whereas Phil and his Ducky followers are. If LGBT boycotts Cracker Barrel then BFD. But if the ducks go find another pond then Cracker Barrel will be smashed into cracker crumbs within about 6 months.
Let this be a big lesson to all you liberal a-holes in NYC and other liberal centers of affliction where large corporate HQs are located: if you want to please your LGBT friends with pandering then do it in the privacy of your own corporate HQ. Don't EVER forget that most Americans are centerists or conservatives and that loud liberals only punch above their weight because conservative Americans are, well, conservative. But you can only press this point so far. At the end of the day, corporations are about making money, not trying to make unwanted social change in their customers.
If only it ended there. Look at that old fraudster Huckabee backpedaling on another liberal front: common core. In fact, as I posted before, liberalism and its cousin socialism are paid for with funny money (fiat currency and fractional reserve lending). As these fraudulent monetary concepts begin to die, the most marginal aspects of them (i.e. the social behavior which they encourage) will get negatively affected the first and likely the worst. Prepare for the rise of the conservative worker/producer. The pendulum is swinging away from liberalism now and we will see marked progress on this front during the next presidential elections. Obama jumped the shark with his liberal socialism health care disaster. He queered everyone on the idea of socialized medicine (no pun intended).
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