Saturday, October 9, 2021

Like I said, when good people decide morals are more important than Mammon Money bribes...

the Global Debt Ponzi is clearly in decline already.  This is a 7th inning symptom.  Remember, I am not making this up in real time.  All of this was very clearly predicted would be happening years ago.  It will not be until the very, very end of the decline that people finally catch up to me en masse in the understanding that the root cause all all of these societal ills has been that we accepted fake money, Mammon Money, as if it were real.

It is only through the availability of a constant, and constantly growing stream of this fake money that those running this shit show can bribe and coerce people to go along.  But as the actions required more and more approach absolute tyranny, fewer and fewer people will be willing to continue selling their souls.  At least not without also receiving exponentially higher cash for their "service".  And the system cannot afford to pay everyone exponentially higher wages.

Here is an example of a guy who took the vax even though he absolutely did not want to.  He says he was forced to do it but really, he simply accepted a large bribe to do it.  And he knows it.  Look toward the end of the video clip where he says he hope there are people out there who are stronger than he was.

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