Thursday, October 21, 2021

Grocers "advise" shoppers

The headlines read that grocers advise shoppers to expect shortages while advising shoppers not to hoard.   Go to sleep, sheeple, calm down.  Nothing to see here, stay calm.  Have confidence, be calm. Calm down, suckers, stay calm.  That is all I hear when I see people telling the herd not to hoard.

Well its your life.  You can either listen to johnny come lately grocers who never saw these shortages coming OR you can listen to me who long ago predicted it was going to happen and why it was going to happen.  If you listen to them then you can move on with your day.  But if you are listening to me then I say the following:

  • Even while talking about shortages, grocers say don't hoard.  So they are really just saying, do nothing, bend over and take it in the shorts, take one for the gipper.
  • They did NOT say it would be in your best interest not to hoard.  They simply said don't hoard, be calm, stay happy.  That room we are herding you toward is a nice big bay full of shower heads where you can get nice and clean after your long train ride. 
  • I say to them: only a fool listens to those who don't give a fuck about them.  If you want to protect yourself then do what you think is right in your own mind for your own family and SCREW the bullshit coming from the establishment.  They would like to see the population go from 7.8 billion down to 500mill.  That is a stated goal, carved into stone in the Georgia Guide stones for all to see.

Don't be gullible!!  Leave that for the liberals.  Do what's right for yourself.  Because liberals at the top will be talking about the greater good but they will be fully hoarded.  They are two faced liars.  Anything they say means the opposite of what they say.  How many times do people have to get screwed over for having listened to liberals before they understand any of these truths?

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