Sunday, April 7, 2019

Trump winning streak continues

Like it or not, Trump gets things done.  Or at least works on them.  Even if you don't want him to.  What I'm trying to say is you have to admit  the guy is energetic and persistent.  He doesn't roll over for the status quo.  He might be a showman but he's a real deal fighter as well.  Again, this is not always a good thing because if you are aiming at the wrong target then being a good shot is not a virtue.  But if you look at the evidence, it's becoming a sucker's bet to put money down against Trump.

After beating Hillary in the elections, he's now beaten the dems in the post election conspiracy to bring him down with lies and false accusations.  That was it folks.  You just saw the dems shoot both barrels of the shotgun that they had been loading for a long time.  Unfortunately for them, Trump dodged both shot patterns and is now immediately back on the attack to press forward with his agenda.  The dems are now staring a raging bull down with their weapon now empty.  And where is Hillary in the 2020 running?  Yeah, nowhere.  She's done.  In fact she will do very little supporting of other dems because nobody wants her on their team now.  Bitch done lost and the herd has moved on.  Just like I said it would.

Almost without blinking, ninja Trump is now looking to counterattack on several powerful fronts:
  1. The DHS chief that would not stand up for stronger immigration control under the umbrella of homeland security is now out on her useless ass.  The news reports that they aren't sure if she left or was forced out, but really, where is the confusion?  The news came suddenly and it came after she was called onto the carpet in Trump's office.  It happened just after Trump's enemy's defenses had collapsed.  The nation is either laughing at or very upset with the dems for playing RICO Coup with Trump and losing.  No, there is no doubt that the sudden departure of Kirstjen Nielsen as DHS head was Trump's idea and not hers.  They made nice-nice for the press but that was an easy deal for Trump to seal.  All he had to do was point to his renewed public support with the collapse of the Collusion Coup and tell Nielsen she could part in good graces or she could part in pieces.  Her choice.  She chose.  And without skipping a beat he installed Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan to serve as "acting" DHS secretary.  If I were Trump that "temporary" position would be permanent.  In other words, I would concentrate my power over all the agencies and then have that guy focus on draining the DHS swamp.  One of the first things I would do would be to reduce DHS presence at airports.  I would go back to metal detectors instead of cataract millimeter wave (microwave) full body scanners.  I would hire some Israeli profilers to point to which people to engage in an extra pat down.  And I would increase air marshal support on airplanes.  In fact I would post a uniformed air marshal on every flight, paid for by reducing DHS morons in the airport.  the Trump DHS would make people feel free again, not drive constant unwarranted fear into the herd like the liberals have been doing for a few decades now.  Even dyed in the wool libs would appreciate a less gestapo DHS.
  2. Trump looking to stack the deck on the federal reserve.  Powell wants to quantitatively tighten and raise interest rates now that it's on Trump's watch hoping Trump will get the blame for a collapsed economy.  Trumps new federal reserve picks are Cain and Moore.  Moore is getting close scrutiny and will probably not make the cut.  But Cain will, and then Trump will throw another crony in there to pump the Ponzi some more, thus kicking the can down the road.
  3. Trump is looking to stack the deck in the Supreme Court.  Scalia died and Trump filled his sport with Gorsuch, who some are calling a Scalia Clone (i.e. conservative).  Kennedy retired and Trump shoved Kavanaugh in his place (another conservative).  The dems let Gorsuch in pretty easily but they went for the jugular again with Kavanaugh.  And again they lost.  I'm seeing a pattern here.  Dems jump the shark, dems get embarrassed again badly in the court of public opinion.  Next up is ancient and ailing Ginsburg, a powerful liberal on SCOTUS.  She is 86 years old and just had lung cancer surgery.  Some idiots are saying she is dead but that is just dumb. When she dies, the dems will give her a very public hero's burial, the kind that Scalia did not get, simply to remind people that she was a liberal.  You hardly heard anything about Scalia's funeral.  Mark my words, they will treat Ginsberg death like the death of Ronald Reagan, calling her a patriot and a hero.  Yes, they are that desperate for attention and yes they actually are that deluded that they think it will make any difference in Trump's ability to put yet another conservative in there.  At this point even liberals are starting to no longer be fooled by the liberal show.  They will see the dems grandstanding on Ginburg's grave and they will not be amused.

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