Saturday, April 6, 2019

Anti-abortion film a "surprising" box office success

Everything is relative of course, but the news is reporting that the anti-abortion film called "Unplanned" is a "surprising box office success".   With only $8.6 mn in sales in the past 2 weeks I don't know how big an actual success this is financially, but it is definitely a success in terms of pushing awareness of conservative views about abortion. Just the fact that the paltry revenue of the film is being reported as a "surprising success" is a win in and of itself in today's "read the headlines and move on" society.

With that said, people usually don't go to the box office for this kind of docu-drama thing.  It is usually released directly to DVDs.  So that is in fact a success.  Also, the number of theaters it is being viewed at jumps by 50% in the coming weeks from 1000 to 1500.  So that is definitely another success.  There are no high dollar actors in this and no pricey CGI so it was probably hyper cheap to make (IMDB estimates the filming cost to be $6 million, a nothing burger in terms of production quality films that actually make it into theaters).  At the current revenue rate it might be possible to see this gross 35-40 million bucks all told (US, Europe, DVD, streaming revenues, etc.). You will know that it was a success if there are also adjunct sales like tee shirts and water bottles, etc.

While this might be surprising to many people, it fits in quite nicely with my long standing views that liberalism has peaked and the pendulum is now swinging, slowly at first, back toward conservatism.  This will not happen overnight.  We will not see peak conservatism return in my lifetime.  But all the signs suggest that it is up and coming now.

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