Thursday, April 25, 2019

Get out of the markets. [LULU]

Time's likely up.  We have a very full wave count on the SPX.  It's not like you hear this from me every day or even very often.  Lululemon (ticker LULU) is a good example of how the Wall St darlings are peaking right now.  Run the fuck away if you have any common sense at all.  Stocks have no value, they are simply popularity contests.  They are nothing more than corporate fiat currency.  Sure you can make a lot of money trading them but those who buy and hold long enough always end up getting screwed and giving most or all of it back. 

The trick is in the timing and the only real timing tool I have ever seen work is Elliott waves.  You ignored me when I modeled the exact bottom of AGI (gold miner).  But now it's time to listen.  Get out and save yourself from a 25-30% loss in 2019.

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