Friday, April 26, 2019

Florida senate approves teacher guns.

The rabid left uses every tragic shooting situation as a fake justification to grab our guns.  Despite all of this, Florida, which has had its share of shooting massacres with the Parkland debacle and the night club shooting, is moving forward with plans to arm some of its teachers in the classrooms.  In fact, the bill won a 22-17 victory in Florida's senate.

It's not a free for all.  In fact the article says that "Under the current law, educators who "exclusively perform classroom duties" are not eligible to participate in the program".  So it looks to me like this is really saying gym teachers or other sports teachers are the only ones eligible.  If I were a teacher exclusively performing classroom duties I would be asking why am I being discriminated against?  In case of shooting, I still have to hide behind a desk until the gym teacher arrives??  That could take minutes!  In fact, gym teachers take vacations and students know that.  So just wait until the school is vulnerable and then attack.

It's just ridiculous to call a school a "safe zone" when so many criminals use them to do their mass shootings.  That's like calling a commercial aircraft a "safe zone" even though they fall out of the sky and crash sometimes.  A safe zone to me is when someone who is trusted and proficient is right there ready to take on an active shooter after the first shot goes off.

Imagine you are a turd who decides to shoot up innocent kids in a school.  Is this REALLY what you want to see?  Multiple handguns pointing at your head?  I don't know about you but this seems like an "avoid" situation to me...

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