Thursday, April 25, 2019

Here it comes. Transgender idolization backlash.

The honeymoon with transgender garbage is over.  Watch how fast those two faced liberals who embraced and encouraged it so loudly become the very first to turn their backs on it once it becomes broadly understood that the desire to transgender is actually a mental disorder.  Well, at least according to this guy who spent 8 years as a gender reassignment hemale.

In that video, the speaker nailed it:transgenderism is a fad.  It has all of the earmarks including exponential explosion onto the scene with everyone talking about it.  It reminds me of pet rocks, beanie babies and tulips.  It's a fad because it is not normal, not natural and not sustainable.  At the peak of a fad everything seems real because the herd is a collective thinker.  Very few have the courage to stand up and say in public that the emperor has no clothes.  There is just too much risk that the herd will turn on you.  Peer to peer intimidation is what herding is all about.

Fuck the herd.  Think for yourself.  Let the lemmings run off the crazy cliff.  Mark my words, the transgender fad will not survive the pendulum swing back to conservatism and anyone who makes the mistake of doing it will be very, very sorry about it.

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